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  • Did anyone else know Samsung, that purveyor of big TVs and small phones, also makes autonomous battlefield equipment?

    Samsung develops machine gun sentry robot costs $200k –

    :::: SamsungTechwin ::::

    Go product/defence program for the link above. Self-propelled howitzer anyone?

    Are there any other household names with a defence program or is it just Koreans? There must be a US one lurking somewhere.

    General Electric one the biggest provider of electricity and one biggest producer of nuclear arms…..

    @tactical 418225 wrote:

    Are there any other household names with a defence program or is it just Koreans? There must be a US one lurking somewhere.

    Motorola made the first portable radios for battlefield as well as loads of other defence stuff..

    ITT (going back some years) used to make cheap transistor radios as well as defence kit

    in European Sagem / Thales (formerly RACAL) make a lot of defence and aerospace kit but Sagem are known for cheap mobile phones usually sold by Vodafone and other Voda-badged kit

    most defence/security service electronics stuff is built from commercial off the shelf modules anyway. Particularly surveillance equipment and wireless comms kit. at module and component leve, you can guarantee it now contains the same bits in your xbox or mobile phone..

    the reality (in contrast to movies and even hyped up website articles) is other than armaments restricted by nations laws (and for those the old style blades, bullets and bombs are still perfectly good) private business can get its hands on better tech than the military…

    I think you’ll find most tech firms have had some dealings with the arms industry. I dont have anything to back that up, but its highly lucrative market and I’d be very surpised if they didnt all want a slice of the pie.

    Its easier for governemsnt to appraoch the private sector for these things, especially telecoms and transport technology, as theyve already done all the R&D in a much more cost effective manner than governments are usualy able.

    Phillips / Mullard / Pye also did both civillian and military versions of all sorts of equipment.

    Same with Marconi. All these companies were well known/active in this area and it was hardly a secret that they did defence contracts, with workers, unions and the wider population being mostly supportive of this all the way from WW II to the end of the Cold War..

    I think Siemans and Mercedes played a role in supporting the Nazi’s during WWII as well.

    Of course Boeing and Land Rover have played their part in supplying our armies since then also.

    business is business.

    @joshd96320 418427 wrote:

    business is business.

    In their eye’s yes.

    And its not only our own governments that they prepared to business with. It seems they’ll do the bidding of any western sponsored tyrant

    Digital Darkness: U.S., U.K. Companies Help Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommunications and Identify Dissident Voices






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology The dark side of household tech.