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breast milk ice cream

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  • Bit steep ain’t it. I’ll stick to a Feast methinks.

    manky manky manky

    I’ve heard its not very nice, this guy I knew tried his misses and also in his tea.

    but theres always been a market for it……

    . Some of us attended a “Gentlemen’s Club” and one of my friends (not the groom!) got a lap dance from a stripper. It should be noted that this was not some back alley, pubes in your glass kind of joint. It was as classy as these places can be. Are you ready for this? Mid-dance, the stripper asked my friend if he’d like some milk. Confused and not wanting to look like a square, he sputtered out a “yes.” The stripper squirted milk from her breast into his mouth. My friend was mortified. To make matters worse — much, much worse — she told my friend he had the same name as her son.

    TG that is one of the most disturbing thing I have ever read.

    @Tank Girl 421346 wrote:

    I’ve heard its not very nice, this guy I knew tried his misses and also in his tea.

    but theres always been a market for it……

    I’ve had a stripper do this to me.

    I didn’t like it.

    @GiantMidget 421351 wrote:

    I’ve had a stripper do this to me.

    I didn’t like it.


    They got ‘specialist’ clubs or girls in ‘normal’ strip clubs doing it in the UK, not just abroad – and its been going on for years!! :yakk:

    rather sad I think but hey – thats the ‘industry’ – a market for everything….

    Pregnant strippers?

    @Dr Bunsen 421359 wrote:

    Pregnant strippers?

    they just cant help but express themselves :weee:

    ok punns are not my strong point

    I’ve heard of pregnant ones but also post baby lactation…. :yakk:

    Where do they get the milk from? Is it just some pregnant bird trying to make a quick buck or is there some sort of illicit lady farming industry going on to supply this market?

    @extraslim 421353 wrote:


    Yeah mate it was up this place called the wagon. she was an oldish bird as well. my cousin loved it. I didn’t though, fucking minging!!!

    @GiantMidget 421397 wrote:

    Yeah mate it was up this place called the wagon. she was an oldish bird as well. my cousin loved it. I didn’t though, fucking minging!!!

    dont think it would be my thing either! Never been to a strip club let alone one where they do that!

    ano m8 sounds pretty fuckd up lol






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Forums Life Food & Drink breast milk ice cream