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  • Is anyone else mortally afraid of them? I got stung when I was a child, got ambushed by 5 of them and all stung me on my hand (as I was eating an ice-cream). Ever since then I have had a proper fear of them.

    I thought I had gotten better but having just had 10 of the little buggers chase me around the garden I realise my fear has never left me.

    Anyone else agree or am I just being a giant pussy? :weee:


    I got stung in the ear when I was little. Wasps must be eradicated.

    i am allergic to their stings so all wasps which get near my house are exterminated. These, along with filth flies, are always “dealt with robustly”,

    These days I am more likely to spare the lives of other bugs, though there is a good chance they might get momentarily detained in a plastic box and photographed for identification before release 😉

    This is a hardcore one from HongKong.. (I have this picture of a otherwise mild mannered Chinese dude in white lab coat suddenly jumping around the lab like Jackie Chan before spearing it with the pin with a shout of “aiyaaa!”)


    more of the buggers (with pictures) here (Vespidae is the family, as it is the Hong Kong Environment Ministry website they only list them with their latin names and the Chinese name)

    thankfully not all of these are found in Blighty. As an aside, Sir Ka-Shing Li (who now owns a quarter of the UK electric network) started off in business selling plastic plants to offices – as in HK you’d be overrun with numerous kinds of unwanted bugs if you keep real plants in the office.

    Record of animal specimens handled by Pest Control Advisory Section

    Hi All ,
    Must admit i hate wasp’s and i kill on site , they are as anoying as flies but have that nasty sting !!!!!!. Now bees are cool , they just go about their business and dont really bother you . Im with Extraslim and General ” Vlad the impaler ” Lighting …..we should have an open season on wasp’s Kill Kill Kill Kill ……hahahahahahaha ha ha …..ha . Okay i got a bit carried away there lol

    death to all wasps


    I hate the things! I nearly broke my leg from falling off a ladder trying to spray a wasp nest in my roof after getting attacked by a few very angry survivors …. no stings from then but I got stung about 4/5 times in the same place when i was a kid. tried swating it after the first sting and inadvertantly trapped it on my neck.

    I run a mile when I see the things … every one takes the piss .. but i really really fucking hate them. lol

    @mungo1972 442259 wrote:

    Hi All ,
    Must admit i hate wasp’s and i kill on site , they are as anoying as flies but have that nasty sting !!!!!!. Now bees are cool , they just go about their business and dont really bother you . Im with Extraslim and General ” Vlad the impaler ” Lighting …..we should have an open season on wasp’s Kill Kill Kill Kill ……hahahahahahaha ha ha …..ha . Okay i got a bit carried away there lol

    death to all wasps


    I can’t claim credit for spearing those wasps (and I think there are some hornets there as well), according to the info some were caught by a Desmond Chan at the HongKong Environment Ministry.

    I’m not sure if he’s any relation to Jackie Chan but I would expect you’d have to be hardcore to work in pest control anywhere in Asia, there’s no shortage of nasty creepy crawlies.

    I read somewhere that folk in the kampung (a jungle village of Malaysia, still found today) often tolerate the Asian ferret-badger entering their houses and even make a pet of it, as it eats many of these insects.

    (this is a ferret badger)

    PS: Don’t try this at home (unless you do live in the kampung, you’d be amazed at where some of our visitors live) unless you have a CITES license and a zoo license as the ferret-badger is now protected and endangered due to deforestation..

    wasps are cunts. run a mile everytime one comes close. bees on the other hand are lovely and they dont bother me at all

    @General Lighting 442294 wrote:

    a CITES license and a zoo license

    How would one go about obtaining these? :laugh_at:

    I’m not a fan – luckily not allergic

    but atleast if your stung by a bee there is some divine justice, got stung on my mouth once – as it was on my pint glass and I didnt notice – OUCH!!!!!

    Jasper has taken to chasing both wasps and bee’s and eating them!! so the flowers I initially planted to attract the bee’s are gonna have to be removed = as I woryy he’ll get stung in his mouth, silly kitten!!!

    @Kung Fu Fader 442311 wrote:

    How would one go about obtaining these? :laugh_at:

    A CITES license comes from Defra – a Zoo license (or alternatively a Dangerous Wild Animals license for private collections) comes from the local Council.

    They aren’t as expensive as you would think (a full Zoo license for 3 years costs only £300 from a South Essex council, I saw it whilst looking up prices of other licenses) but a lot of paperwork has to be done which is fair enough. Both Defra and the Council will want to know the species you are bringing in, plans of the enclosures, details on how you will ensure they don’t escape and also a report from your vet that you can look after the creatures (of course you need a vet who deals with more than just cats and dogs and farm animals – but a surprising amount actually do).

    A lot of people actually keep exotic species in private collections in the UK but they rescue them from places where they are under threat and locals can’t afford to look after them and/or there is a conflict between the animals habitat and the people.

    @General Lighting 442383 wrote:

    A CITES license comes from Defra – a Zoo license (or alternatively a Dangerous Wild Animals license for private collections) comes from the local Council.

    They aren’t as expensive as you would think (a full Zoo license for 3 years costs only £300 from a South Essex council, I saw it whilst looking up prices of other licenses) but a lot of paperwork has to be done which is fair enough. Both Defra and the Council will want to know the species you are bringing in, plans of the enclosures, details on how you will ensure they don’t escape and also a report from your vet that you can look after the creatures (of course you need a vet who deals with more than just cats and dogs and farm animals – but a surprising amount actually do).

    A lot of people actually keep exotic species in private collections in the UK but they rescue them from places where they are under threat and locals can’t afford to look after them and/or there is a conflict between the animals habitat and the people.

    Cool that’s interesting to know. 🙂

    well last year on the way to shambala we stopped at macy d’s and we had a crate of beer in a bag which was slightly messed up with juice coming out and lots of wasps were going to it. my ex gf from this forum honeybear was being a wuss and threw the bag on the floor after several attempts to pick it up and put it in the car…. by this time i got pissed off at her wussyness so went all out attack mode on them and got the bag.

    one of the fuckers went up my shirt and i got stung like 6 times on the back of my shoulder… hurt the whole festival… thanks honeybear!!

    kung fu fader witnessed this.

    @p0ly 442616 wrote:

    well last year on the way to shambala we stopped at macy d’s and we had a crate of beer in a bag which was slightly messed up with juice coming out and lots of wasps were going to it. my ex gf from this forum honeybear was being a wuss and threw the bag on the floor after several attempts to pick it up and put it in the car…. by this time i got pissed off at her wussyness so went all out attack mode on them and got the bag.

    one of the fuckers went up my shirt and i got stung like 6 times on the back of my shoulder… hurt the whole festival… thanks honeybear!!

    kung fu fader witnessed this.

    I don’t remeber … must be lies!






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Forums Life Pets & Animals Wasps!!!!