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TH/UK(N) : Steel to be made up North again!

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology TH/UK(N) : Steel to be made up North again!

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  • They are relighting the steel furnace at Teeside! Although culturally I probably know more about Thailand than Teeside (though have not been to either!) I remember these things being closed down across the North and the devastation the loss of jobs caused.

    Steel might be boring heavy stuff but we use a lot in all our gadgets particularly PC cases and housings and vehicles…

    Although at present all the steel is going back on the boat to Thailand some will eventually be used here (and as transport costs grow manufacturing returns to England). The chaps lighting the furnace again are all the original English dudes from the 70s raaa)

    The process to restart the blast furnace at the SSI plant has been a lengthy one after it cooled down following the plant being mothballed.

    The furnace itself is the second biggest in Europe and is as tall as St Paul’s Cathedral. Its core – called the hearth – is about 14m (46ft) in diameter and is where coke and iron ore are combined to create molten metal.

    But before this can happen, the furnace has to be “relit”. This is done by using four gas stoves, which have been heating up since February to reach a temperature of about 1,200 C (2,192 F).

    When this is reached, a lance with a naked gas flame is inserted into the hearth to ignite the super-heated air – creating the “blast” in blast furnace.

    Once the iron is molten it is then transported in 300 tonne containers about 6km by rail to a processing plant, where steel slabs are created.

    BBC News – Blast furnace at former Corus Redcar steel plant to be relit

    This is amazing. It’s made my morning. HALLELUJAH! I hope this continues happening throughout the country as I really thing manufacturing is an incredibly important part of the economy that has been severely overlooked in wealthy countries in the 21st century.

    there is a surprising lot of manufacturing still in England but it is really random stuff like cast iron radiator covers (for stopping old folk burning themselves on normal rads in residential homes).

    Even our electronics industry still exists in some form but sadly its got a bad name from alternative communities as a lot of specialist AV kit is used for surveillance purposes in countries with bad human rights regimes and as companies got more ruthless in the 90s too many engineers were (and still are) willing to work close with the military industrial complex to get their money. its a difficult one though as the exact same covert camera can be used to look at owls or put surveillance on dissidents and often the person making the system (whether they are in England or a foreign nation) doesn’t always get a say in what its used for..

    furnace was lit this afternoon(!) – They really must be desparate for that steel in Thailand…

    BBC News – Blast furnace at former Corus Redcar steel plant relit

    Yes that is a 11 year old boy putting in the lance. This is because his father (who was going to do this job) sadly died at the young age of 43, so out of honour they got his son to light the furnace. He does not have to work full time there until he is 16, (I expect he will do as soon as he is old enough), but thankfully we haven’t gone back that far!

    This creates a lot more jobs as they then have to load the heavy steel into ships and then get it safely to Thailand, which isn’t trivial.

    Steel girders

    Any long heavy item should be stowed fore and aft. If they are stowed athwart ships they are liable to shift if the ship rolls heavily and pierce the side of the ship.

    good advice and best followed, as Davy Jones has plenty enough steel to bulk up his locker from folk what didn’t follow this sensible advice..

    on 2012-05-15 the steel (48 000 tonnes which is 48 000 000 Kg) left UK for Thailand

    BBC News – First Redcar SSI steel shipment leaves Teesport

    it got to TH around 2012-06-16. unfortunately for SSI the price dropped during the journey but that happens with such commodities and hopefully won’t cause them too much financial harm as the steel is still needed in TH anyway.

    The Northern journos aren’t as canny in the below article. According to them the BLUE FIN is a container ship (there are several similarly named large vessels though so couldn’t find the exact one) – surely it would be a bulk cargo ship? why on earth would anyone cut up slabs of steel, to put into isotainers (which are made of steel?) Even us English aren’t that hare-brained!!

    Tees steel moves onwards and upwards – Business News – Business – Gazette Live






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology TH/UK(N) : Steel to be made up North again!