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Novel idea, probably quite fun for singlies

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Novel idea, probably quite fun for singlies

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  • does anyone remember a plant that if you ingest then it gives you lucid dreams. i can’t remember what it was called, i bought this plant and collected the leaves but never did it for some reason. i can’t remember what it was called… began with a ‘c’ i think. i think i still have the leaves somewhere, i never bothered to do it… :/

    What if you get stuck in a dream inside a dream of a dream?


    @p0ly 480573 wrote:

    What if you get stuck in a dream inside a dream of a dream?

    It’s OK, the server will kick you if you dally too long.

    @p0ly 480573 wrote:


    “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Let’s wait and see. From what I understand of consciousness and noetic studies it sounds like it might work. At least sometimes.

    @know_hope 480566 wrote:

    does anyone remember a plant that if you ingest then it gives you lucid dreams. i can’t remember what it was called, i bought this plant and collected the leaves but never did it for some reason. i can’t remember what it was called… began with a ‘c’ i think. i think i still have the leaves somewhere, i never bothered to do it… :/

    Well, you can’t mean cannabis. That’s a dream SUPPRESSANT. You still dream but you don’t remember. At least that’s how I understand it.

    if i hadn’t smoked weed i would probably remember what it was called…

    that thc should be a dream suppressant do not comply on me…I dream anyway and I do remember it….then again vallis works as uppers for me so it might be sumtin upstairs in me that do not work as it normally should…I am happy and so should the rest of you be lol

    Waking up in the night and writing down your dream is how you’re supposed to learn how to lucid dream. Personally i’d rather just forget as i couldnt be bothered to do that.

    I used to lucid dream a lot when younger, recent times i can’t remember most dreams.

    @Pat McDonald 480626 wrote:

    It’s OK, the server will kick you if you dally too long.

    “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Let’s wait and see. From what I understand of consciousness and noetic studies it sounds like it might work. At least sometimes.

    Have you seen inception??

    @!sinner69! 480641 wrote:

    that thc should be a dream suppressant do not comply on me…I dream anyway and I do remember it….then again vallis works as uppers for me so it might be sumtin upstairs in me that do not work as it normally should…I am happy and so should the rest of you be lol

    sounds like you get the paradoxical effect

    My mate only ever remembers his dreams if he’s got no smoke, and unfortunatley they tend to be really vivid and distrurbing then and not nice

    @p0ly 480644 wrote:

    Have you seen inception??

    I have no conscious memory of having seen a movie of that name. That doesn’t mean I haven’t seen it. I’m amnesiac. It’s very unlikely as I don’t watch movies very often, do not wish for or possess a TV set, and do not have a home internet connection any more.

    Fucking headshots, man. FUCKING headshots hurttttt…. 🙁 Ah well, least it was a rock not a bullet.

    IDF medical kits carry cannabis for head wounds. Did you know that?






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Novel idea, probably quite fun for singlies