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  • I’ve recently overclocked my processor from 2.93Ghz to 3.74Ghz and ramped up the speed of my ram a little (although my ram isn’t overclocked as it was running slower then stock speed to begin with due to my processor’s base clock speed being slower then the rams). I could of got it upto 4.2Ghz had I had a better cooling system, but 3.74Ghz is well enough for me for now.

    Any one have experience in doing this? Any tips, tricks, ideas or opinions on the matter?

    I wouldn’t try it on the current kit I have as the PSU is low power to start with and the entire AV set up is configured up to try and minimise the amount of electric used to keep the costs of the UPS down, and a cunning plan for the future to run the entire lot off solar panels) –

    if you are going to do this I’d not only make sure there is a good PC power supply but its fed by a UPS with line regulation as fuck knows what UK Power Networks might send down the line especially at peak times. Especially in the East London/S Essex area where responsibility is divided between LPN and EPN (they are still two separate companies) there is some real old flaky infrastructure like 6 600V lines and transformers that were around from just after the war.

    if the 230V supply is fluctuating on a high load device with a switchmode PSU there is the chance of much power-related unpleasantness. Though London does now have AC 230V throughout the power quality has not improved all that much from the days of Northmet and is still shared between the houses and the trains… (I moved the pics of Northmet former infrastructure into a separate post).

    it also stops all your latest music projects being hosed if a rise in demand around autumn when the weather turns trips a breaker on the HV circuits and puts your entire street into darkness for 15 minutes – though since Sir Li Ka Shing took over UKPN the power quality is better (he has stopped the French blighters putting nuclear stations in our country and then sending the leccy down the channel) there still isn’t always enough leccy to go round at peak times…

    I’ve not got a UPS, but am using a spike protector so any surges and I’m guaranteed up to 10K worth of damage (as the socket should stop it from happening)! My power supply is pretty decent (1000W) as far as PC ones go and should more then be up for the job. It wasn’t cheap to get either so should be stable.

    I’ve got two HDD’s dedicated for back ups so will have 3 different copies of all my important stuff on 3 separate disks. I may get an additional external one and raid one of my back ups with another disk I’m using for media storage to speed that up as atm my media is stored on HHD rather then SSD. I’ll still have 2 back ups then, but not sure I want to trash my old HHD’s with raid (even though these were designed for raid). I do have an easy raid on my mother board what uses different tech to do the same thing, it’s slightly slower then normal raid, but way way safer.

    @DaftFader 491479 wrote:

    I’ve not got a UPS, but am using a spike protector so any surges and I’m guaranteed up to 10K worth of damage (as the socket should stop it from happening)! My power supply is pretty decent (1000W) as far as PC ones go and should more then be up for the job. It wasn’t cheap to get either so should be stable.

    in this region (and you are probably actually in the old Northmet region, which is the southern bit of East Anglia whilst the main bit of London gets slightly more power) its sags rather than surges which cause the problems – power drops for a few seconds from 230V to 180V and stresses the PSU components a lot more without a UPS with AVR which uses the battery to boost the voltage, though the rest of the back ups should be OK…

    currently I’ve got the music and video on a external SSD and OS on the internal, there’s also a external HDD here. Had way too close calls at work (albeit out in the sticks) to take chances with anything and as I’m used to working on kit in healthcare environments tend to instinctively play it safe….






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Overclocking Processor/Ram