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Ticket Fraud

Forums Life Travel Ticket Fraud

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  • Today I was on the train with one of my younger mates, he is 17. We were going a few stops down and he had yet to buy his ticket. A ‘conductor’ came down asking for tickets, I showed mine and he moved on to my friend, my friend being very skint and wanting a cheaper ticket asked for a child, when challenged by the conductor it was obvious he was over 15. This was when the conductor decided to tell us that he was a revenue inspector (not exactly sure if thats what he said). My friend opened his wallet to get money to pay out and the inspector spotted a child ticket my friend had used earlier that day, the inspector then proceeded to tell him that this was fraudulently using a train ticket and he would be receiving a letter shortly (having just given the inspector his details) telling him what was going to happen.

    I was wondering what he would get for this? A penalty fare notice? The fact that he said it was fraudulent use of a train ticket made me think that maybe he could be receiving a worse punishment. My friend is rather worried so I said i’d try and find out more.


    The worst he would probably get is a warning letter months later, maybe a demand for the difference or a penalty fare, which even if he were to encounter the same inspector, he wouldn’t know if he did or didn’t pay it and I don’t think they have that good a database to index offenders.

    I suspect the inspector only did this to shake the lad up a bit and there may not even be any penalty letter. its no major crime or anything to be worried about..if they really wanted to be arsey they could have alleged abuse/harrasment and got BTP involved and nicked both of you on some pretence but they didn’t (and your mate presumably paid the full fare for the journey in the end…)

    Tell your mate to have a fake address that he knows off the top of his head next time (& a fake name as well). The ticket inspector sounds like he was on a bit of a power trip though.

    It was probably a scare tactic, chill.

    finding a used ticket in someone’s wallet doesn’t prove the owner of the wallet used the ticket. i would have been interested in whether the inspector has the authority to search anyone, and on what grounds… and also possibility of his announced identity being false or the title being used to gain some undue leverage

    I don’t think he should worry too much, A couple of years ago me and a mate got on the train for one stop, unfortunatly the conductor followed us off the train. He asked for out details, my friend gave him his real ones and I told him some fake details. My mate never recieved anything about it…






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Forums Life Travel Ticket Fraud