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  • I’ve just downloaded Minecraft for my Xbox360.

    Does that make me a geek?

    probably, but at least “down wiv da yoof”. A couple of years ago I managed to embarrass myself on here after when a local lad had been repeatedly posting about COD, I actually asked him if he had either caught and/or eaten a particularly large/good one.

    To be fair he does live in Felixstowe. If I’d said the same about a poster from Coventry then I should genuinely start worrying about senility…

    Hahahaha! Not much of a gamer then I take it Mr GL?

    not since the 1980s, and even then I was more into using computers for programming and very early attempts at multimedia rather than games. Also playing 3d games give me motion sickness , headaches and other unpleasantness.

    Yet I can ride a bicycle and operate a car perfectly OK so there is nothing wrong with me health-wise, it does appear to be a fairly common problem for many people…


    Anyway, I hear say that some crafty bugger has managed to make a working computer in the word of Minecraft.

    Apparently lag is supposed to be a cause of some of the discomfort (as well as the lack of other sense feedback such as touch/motion) but another factor is these games are a great time eater, its hard enough concentrating in stuff for my day job, as well as music and helping out with two radio stations.

    I did look at the computer(s) within minecraft, the whole idea is impressive and surreal at the same time…

    Not at all! It’s a brilliant game, i own it on both the PC & Xbox 360 😉
    People have made all sorts on it.. working calculators, computers, many games including pong etc. etc. quite crazy actually

    @Deezl 509279 wrote:

    Not at all! It’s a brilliant game, i own it on both the PC & Xbox 360 😉
    People have made all sorts on it.. working calculators, computers, many games including pong etc. etc. quite crazy actually

    Ah, you have a 360. My gamertag is Riceboychrispy

    I have MC on sex box too, when i get internetz back i will come set fire to your wooden structures. funny you have been on my friends list for ages now but we still havent played together. mainly cos i am an anti social player. just look at my player feedback report thing. i’m like 60% unsporting 50% quit early and 50% aggressive. i know some people like to,file fake reports cos they get jellous of my mad skillz in battlefield 3 but i have been known to follow people around into different game lobbys and keep team killing them. Only if they do something to piss me off first, like steal my tank while i’m out fixing it or something like that.

    Also i collected tons of hate mail when the developers of battlefield released the patch that removed tbe option for the chopper gunners to have IR flares aswell as the pilot. I just sat down with my stinger SAM and racked up kills from noob pilots whi were used to being virtualy invincable to lock on attacks. my inbox was flooded with hate that day.

    I don’t play that many games online really. Mainly Forza and that’s usually with the dudes on my LAN. Not really into COD or Halo. Left 4 Dead is quite neat online and there’s Trials Evolution but that’s not strictly speaking online, just racing ghost times.

    Me and log used to play together on minecraft .. was well funny, we had our own clan with hunderads of thousands of about 4 people. One of the new guys stole logs bedroom I made for him and locked him out ahahahaha :laugh_at:

    log .. come on msn i have a pressie for you!

    @thelog 509327 wrote:

    I have MC on sex box too, when i get internetz back i will come set fire to your wooden structures. funny you have been on my friends list for ages now but we still havent played together. mainly cos i am an anti social player. just look at my player feedback report thing. i’m like 60% unsporting 50% quit early and 50% aggressive. i know some people like to,file fake reports cos they get jellous of my mad skillz in battlefield 3 but i have been known to follow people around into different game lobbys and keep team killing them. Only if they do something to piss me off first, like steal my tank while i’m out fixing it or something like that.

    Also i collected tons of hate mail when the developers of battlefield released the patch that removed tbe option for the chopper gunners to have IR flares aswell as the pilot. I just sat down with my stinger SAM and racked up kills from noob pilots whi were used to being virtualy invincable to lock on attacks. my inbox was flooded with hate that day.

    I have Minecraft on 360 too =D

    I’ll add you later Crispy if you fancy a game?

    Still just getting to grips with the tutorial. Lol






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