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  • I had heard of them though a few conspiracy theories, like the russian version of MK ULTRA where agents had been placed under mind control and were receiving orders though them but never looked into it.

    Interesting, makes me wanna get a little radio receiver on the cheap (mby when I’ve got some more cash spare i will)

    what blithering idiots edited that video? uvb76 isn’t on 14025 for shit. that would be in the middle of one of the ham bands and no good after dark anyway. its usually on 4625 and (unusually) seems to be off air tonight (although my current HF antenna isn’t the best but you can usually pick it up on a piece of wet string). Perhaps even Mr Putin has said “have the weekend off, comrades, its too bloody cold”. at least the signal isn’t as rough as woodpecker (only the older folk on here will know what that was)

    Or maybe the mission is complete, and the psy operatives have been activated.

    Morning Loggy:weee: you’re an early riser today

    @The Psyentist 518734 wrote:

    Morning Loggy:weee: you’re an early riser today

    I get up at 5 every morning matey, that’s my sexbox time

    @General Lighting 518717 wrote:

    what blithering idiots edited that video?

    Which video, the first one is another truthloader vid and the second one was someone’s 22 minute uni/collage coursework

    The first one. Also they show a band II pirate apparently transmitting off a UHF mobile phone antenna array. Whilst its not uncommon for a disaffected mobile phone engineer (many of whom build pirate transmitters as a sideline) to let a pirate use a roofspace by allowing a extra padlock into the chain, they would not shit on their own doorstep by putting the TX antenna too near the mobile ones. (if its up there and done cleanly the janitors rarely notice, they are not broadcast engineers 😉 )

    What the fuck is this? Some weird shit going on, i didn’t need this while this fucked up..

    @DeezNuts 518797 wrote:

    What the fuck is this? Some weird shit going on, i didn’t need this while this fucked up..

    creepy isn’t it.

    @ GL, link me some more creepy radio stuff please, i’m addicted.

    ^^ It’s got number stations and the max headroom thing, but there’s some others there too.

    Although they are still heard, there aren’t as many numbers stations around these days compared with the 90s, as they are often transmitted by the same organisations who provide engineering services to national public broadcasters on HF.

    A lot of the HF facilities of these broadcasters have been closed down due to the high leccy bills (If you are transmitting 100 kW of RF power, you might need to put in nearly 200 kW of electric power to the transmitter).

    As for the broadcast hijacks, for anything affecting a main network transmission its almost certainly the work of a mischevious or disgruntled broadcast engineer. with todays computerised broadcasing, Once you have codes to the playout systems you can insert just about anything you wish into the transmission feed. I nearly “pirated” ICR-FM’s late night show with UTI over Christmas when a corrupt MP3 crashed the planned playout but decided against this as unless authorised by the station manager it would be in breach of their license conditions as its a out of area broadcast (though I have since been told that if the playout crashes again and there is nothing else I can do that, as Ofcom don’t like dead air (silence) either).






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Numbers Stations