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RIP Logs laptop

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  • Well the old girls fan has stopped spinning and she gave me an electric shock to tell me she will always love me. i really can’t be fucked to replace the fucker. I ight have a look and see if she is simply dust clogged but I last the screw drivers. I’m using the hoover to cool it at the moment, but before i realised it was broken I got a 100 degrees heat warning. Well it was actually 108 before I hit the power button. Then A minute ago I was fiddling with it while it was on and I got a small shock off the bottom of it.

    Hopefully I can just buy a new PC tomoz as things are looking up in log town ATM.

    Alas poor lappy, I knew it well. 🙁

    Complete lie, I never knew it at all, but they do die all too easily.

    Probably fried CPU, still worth £1 scrap (gold pins). Hard drive should still be good. Possibly memory sticks too. Screen is also resaleable as a spare on eBay. As is the keyboard.

    EDIT: Perhaps your laptop is now a non-portable tazer?

    Processors very rarely ‘cook’, it’s usually just the solder melts and shorts, and a fan is an easy fix, dont give up on the ol’ gal, sounds like she just needs some TLC ; )

    RIP Miss laptop, you were a beautiful machine and won’t ever be forgotten. Forever in our memories as a laptop that loved porn, gaming and hard repetitive beats.

    I have brought her back from the dead, she is now my frankenstein laptop.

    Luckily it was simply a MASSIVE clump of dust. Took me ages to figure out the secret to opening it though. Bloody stupid poppers . Anyway fan is spinning nicely now and I even got rid of the annoying buzz it used to make at high speed.

    I’m glad to hear mate, its never good when a nice machine passes away.

    You getting a gaming PC? You know you want to

    Most likey, I would also like to spend money on decks etc but I can’t have everything 🙁

    Nice one dude. Give it time padawan, good things come to those who wait.

    Let down. I wanted to disrupt your mourning

    Smash it.

    Who cares if you fixed it!


    Yay! TheLog has imitated Jesus and raised the dead to life! Ok, it’s just a laptop, not a real person… still, nice work. 🙂

    EDIT: Co-incidence, apparently this isn’t so far fetched an occurence as you might think;-






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology RIP Logs laptop