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studio status lamp switching circuit

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  • This is a more oldskool design using conventional analogue electronics and relays. Tthe transistor switch and relay is used is so that many LED displays can be switched from a very small signalling current, and use of a PNP transistor means that the relays are triggered by putting an earth on the signalling wire.

    apologies for wonky hand drawn circuit as I was doing it in a rush at work earlier whilst waiting for some files to copy, and I find it quicker than using any computer software

    There is another circuit (not shown in diagram) that is the same as the red light circuit but switches an amber light. Those are connected to the relay contacts from the mixer. The blue/green light is triggered by the toggle switch that switches the audio for the headphones, eventually I am going to use a relay for this and have it set up so instead of the toggle switch this feed can be flipped by pressing a button either near the main desk or the midi controller (but I have to remember how to make a bistable circuit which I have not done for about 25 years)

    Although I previously was switching the 12V to the LEDs directly, I decided to build this as it has the advantage that if a cable comes adrift, the worst case is there is a false or random signal shown (or none at all) rather than studio battery being shorted via the mixer relays – it wouldn’t do them or the channel strip PCB much good, and fixing that means taking out the whole channel strip and working on it at component level, as it is I managed to blow 5 1A fuses in a row the week before last as I’d got myself confused with my own wiring colour scheme and had also put the breadboard and the studio battery feed in an awkward confined space below the console

    Eventually the finished version will have those units in boxes rather than on the metal shelf), when I find the time and space to make up the soldered version.

    The relays are “British Telecom Type 47” – widely available worldwide but beware of some models that may already contain the flyback diode, this makes them polarity sensitive which confused a lot of people who understandably don’t expect a relay on its own to be polarity sensitive..11291471116_e1a5bcff05_h.jpg


      I wish I just had half your brain 🙂

      @Angel 559622 wrote:

      I wish I just had half your brain 🙂

      thanks for the compliment,but in reality that is very basic stuff, my electronics skills are stuck somewhere in 1987 (this is why I keep up with languages as I often have to use Dutch and German websites aimed at teenagers to remind me basics). There are many things I can get to work but I barely understand why especially when hard maths is involved (I am not very good at that).

      My friend Jestine Yong in Malaysia teaches electronics repair at adult college and there are as many girls/young women as boys (sometimes the entire class is girls because some religions insist on this). Girls are also way better at assembly and soldering.

      More recently the girls at the housing co-op were asking about making some clothes and banners with pretty coloured LED’s, but thought the circuit was complicated, and were concerned about the conditions of the factory workers.

      I pointed out that between the 4 of them, they had been able to cook some wonderful vegan food (whereas its not uncommon for me to set my house smoke alarms off when trying to cook) and make all sorts of crafts/arts stuff often using manual sewing machines, knitting needles (if I tried that, I would prang my fingers and/or end up tangling up the wool like a tom cat would) – and once they had learned the basics they would find soldering the LEDs to be a fairly simple task (also you can select the components suppliers, many Chinese companies are actually run by young people just like us and they do try and treat people well and minimise bad impact on the environment, and they sell their stuff to Europe via Scotland)






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    Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology studio status lamp switching circuit