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I am detoxing please help

Forums Drugs Amphetamines I am detoxing please help

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  • I am trying to detox to get clean from meth. I smoked yesterday at noon and I am staying with family.

    1. OKAY THIS PART IS THE MOST IMPOTANT ONE. I have the diarrhea from coming down, it has happened before but last time I held it in for a day or two and it become solid and I used the restroom that way. Now I know it’s going to burn and it hurts holding it in, is there anything I can do? The diarrhea is going to burn I can already a feel it.

    2. It feels as if I have goosebumps on my legs and I look and I don’t but I get this tingly sensations and I also the I can sometimes feel my leg and other times I can’t feel it. I have lost feeling oft fingers and they cd back but never legs.

    3. I keep walking around hoping to feel better. I can barely drink any liquids and my whole Torso hurts. My lungs don’t feel right when I cough but I am breathing in short fast breaths and once in a while I take a long deep breathe. I feel as if I am going to puke and pass out. I have never puked from meth.

    4. All of stomach well my organs it feels all squishy but tender and I am having this odd pain and I just don’t know what to think.

    5. And the worst of all I keep seeing shadow people

    Try to excrete as much as possible, don’t try to puke though as it will re enter your blood stream.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines I am detoxing please help