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USA’s intelligence chiefs decry “deep cynicism” over cyber spying programs

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology USA’s intelligence chiefs decry “deep cynicism” over cyber spying programs

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  • Scary to think people walk right into our data like it’s worth nothing.

    I hate how it’s at the wrong hands if I pick a service wrong.

    British services tend to have better practices and keep things tidy in house.

    They take our data and when they think they suddenly won’t be able to just take it they try scare the shit out of the world and treat them like criminals. They are lying cunts though.

    @MysticGirls69 970767 wrote:

    British services tend to have better practices and keep things tidy in house.

    they are marginally less sketchy than USA and do admit their limitations and mistakes (spies do not get telephone circuits and bandwidth free and there is not enough of it as it is in many parts of the UK) but often only when found out. That said within these services there have always been “uncles” who if you are doing something slightly naughty but not dangerous will tip you off and stop you getting in excessive real trouble before the rest of the cops/security service get involved.

    UK and USA act like two guard dogs; a big hard (but not very intelligent) one and a smaller one which does have brains. Even then both can end up chasing after all the wrong things, or their own tails. The Germans and Dutch are more like cats; glaring at each other across the flat muddy fields of Groningen and Lower Saxony but otherwise peacefully coexisting.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology USA’s intelligence chiefs decry “deep cynicism” over cyber spying programs