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Cracking wifi via the Kettle

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Cracking wifi via the Kettle

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  • WTF do people want with a WIFI kettle in the first place?

    Not only can stuff like that happen if it is a 2,4 GHz connection its signal will often be cut across by stray RF from microwave ovens making the device flaky and unreliable; plus hackers will eventually do other unpleasant things like try and boil a dry kettle – although this will no longer light the house on fire in most modern European nations it will usually cause at least one circuit breaker to open. If a whole bunch of kettles in the same street were hacked that may even be enough to open a breaker at the substation (as it could be mistaken for a short circuit across a service cable) puting the lot off supply,,,

    There are even worse risks to a fridge; monkeying about with the temperatures at night (but makiing the device otherwise appear normal) could be used to make an entire family/shared house very ill indeed with food poisoning.

    The Asian nations tried to introduce “smart” kitchen equipment 20 years ago; there are reasons why few people wanted anything to do with it in spite of having entire countries full of people who like both gadgets and food…






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Cracking wifi via the Kettle