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The Transatlantic Data War

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  • Very excited WWIII is gonna be fought on the internet.

    Doubt it mate, WW3 is one for the IRL I think, I have an idea of whom will side with whom, but no idea of a winner….although it could be me that wins and enslaves the world under my rule.

    @Hurt Bird Bath 976076 wrote:

    Very excited WWIII is gonna be fought on the internet.

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 976077 wrote:

    Doubt it mate, WW3 is one for the IRL I think, I have an idea of whom will side with whom, but no idea of a winner….although it could be me that wins and enslaves the world under my rule.

    it is quite likely to be a combination of both – IMO WW3 is well under way and has been since 2001 when the first “economic boom” of the Internet crashed. Those millions of Middle Easterners arriving in Europe haven’t come here for the weather or expecting a friendly welcome but because about half their cities are completely blown into ash since the last decade.,….

    Cyberwarfare is a very real concept. It is something I have to be aware of for my work as more and more important equipment that keeps vulnerable people safe is put online and more data transmitted across the Internet; and this all depends on having working telecoms links, reliable electricity supply; clear electromagnetic spectrum etc.

    There are good reasons I still deploy things like 1980s era radio pager systems and am building a Chinese UHF radio and antenna into the shell of a dismantled PC so if / when we lose the electric power and BT links for a few hours due to weather there will still be some comms available between sites.

    Also downloaded 3 field manuals about “Cyber Electromagnetic Activities” courtesy of Uncle Sam (these are declasffied and public); at least some of them have more than one brain cell..

    That said it the article seems to be mostly Google and President Obama whinging about these rules; and a lot of sour grapes that Europe is capable of standing up for itself. All my work-related data rarely leaves an EU data centre; even the microsoft cloud services I have been asked to deploy are based in Ireland. TBH I’m more woried about US tech companies selling or harvesting data for commercial purposes than NSA or GCHQ (who often just piggy back onto the online advertising networks cookies)

    Would seem obvious to me that as soon as some nation states have the cyber capabilities to so stuxnet scale damage on defense or energy production targets r or other critical infrastructure emotely with a cyber attack making followed immediately by vicious and overt classical military action. Think that will start to become the norm tbh.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology The Transatlantic Data War