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BT reveals 300Mbps trial routers, some with “reverse power”

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology BT reveals 300Mbps trial routers, some with “reverse power”

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  • been reading a bit about this; its quite a change from the days when the PTT used to be really paranoid about any customers equipment feeding electricity back down the line.

    Interesting concept but I’ve got a few concerns about the quality of the power supplies used for this cheap CPE [customer premises equipment] on top of any poor quality telephone wiring in buildings (some of them are capable of sending 120 volts DC down the twisted pair, this is unpleasant if you accidentally make contact with any cable energised to this voltage) as the effects on electromagnetic interference as a whole; especially in urban areas where there are a mixture of houses with TN-S and TN-C-S earthing (so any rubbish ends up on the combined/neutral earth and can upset equipment elsewhere down the street).

    The ETSI boffins do seem to be addressing these issues but the private telephone companies and vendors are all suggesting their own different solutions (which might vary across regions). I can understand why it is being considered as earlier I was walking past a VDSL street cabinet and could hear the trafo noise from outside (meaning that its power supply is being run hard) but why not just put the boxes in the streets anyway and use the existing 230V supply for street lamps.

    In many regions now draws less power as the sodium lamps are being replaced by LEDs. That would keep all the complex adaptors and the rough noisy signals away from the houses (where they could quite likely even make listening to VHF radio (both traditional FM and DAB near impossible if not properly filtered..)

    For those with a bit of electronics and telecoms knowledge (its not too heavy to be fair) the ETSI paper is below (for some reason I can’t attach it as the software thinks its a PNG image).

    Yeah not the 1st time I’ve read about this tech bud. Very promisisng thoughm no?

    @tryptameanie 976693 wrote:

    Yeah not the 1st time I’ve read about this tech bud. Very promisisng thoughm no?

    provided they use decent kit (especially power supplies) and pay attention especially to whatever any balding German profs at ETSI and/or tall smart lasses in sensible woolen jumpers (usually from DK/NO but some are from DE) tell them to do to prevent interference. its not totally new technology either; its rather like DACS UK or some types of ISDN but sourcing the power from elsewhere than Exchange Battery.

    been reading about trials in other nations; in NL and CH they are powering the same kit by using 8 pairs of copper (that would already be in the ground anyway) energised to +/- 130 / 190 V with respect to earth sourced from the Telephone Exchange Battery (these do have current / voltage limiting and safety procedures and would normally only be accessible to the telecoms workers); which makes much more sense as the Exchange Battery is usually very large (takes up an entire floor in many buildings) and has a backup diesel genset if the mains goes off supply (and is increasingly often also charged by solar panels and wind generators on the roof).






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology BT reveals 300Mbps trial routers, some with “reverse power”