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More retro coding….

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology More retro coding….

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  • Found an 8-bit Acorn emulator for Windows (complete with “Mode 7” teletext display) – set to emulate a BBC Master 128 which is what we had in high school (30 years ago!)

    It even makes the disk drive noises raaa

    TBH this code is even more ropey than what I was capable of as a teenager – although the modern equivalents of some stuff I did then (including building a RAT into the wordprocessor and using this to rag the strictest maths teacher in the school) would get a kid arrested and possibly expelled today….







    Brings back memories of the earliest computers I saw at school, barring some BBC electron or something I saw about age 6.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology More retro coding….