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  • Although I have great respect for the positive attitude to Eurovision that SVT, DR, NRK (not even in EU!) and other nations have (it is a part of lot more than just the song contest) I think this producer has got it wrong to blame Terry for this.

    His “funny foreigner” jokes were mild by the standards of British TV of the era; he was himself not English so a minority group presenter – and EBU themselves removed the one thing that might have encouraged a straight adult male to still watch Eurovision in the 1990s by allowing and/encouraging entrants to sing in English rather than their own native languages.

    As a boy I can still remember the 1980s laughing at Terry with his polyester suit and hairstyle (apparently he had hair but it always looked like he wore a wig) whilst wondering what the tall blonde lasses were singing about in their languages which were “a bit like English but different” and hoped that one day I could understand them (it did take another 30 years)…

    We did win it at least once during Terry’s time on there – which pissed off Thatcho twice as they picked some really obscure place to hold the UK contest which would have cost loads in BBC and British Telecom overtime; then the Germans beat us because of protest votes against the Falklands :laugh_at:

    I agree the BBC today does not take Eurovision seriously but their management and reputation is fucked from employing thugs and child molesters for so many years and the fallout from dealing with this; its unfair to blame one presenter for these problems who has now passed away and compared to others of his time was a saint (BTW the Catholic padre who used to regularly do the obligatory “BBC religious” bit on Terrys show hints that he may well have rediscovered his faith and had the Last Rites etc – I wonder if you can now lobby your national diocese to suggest folk for canonisation? :laugh_at: )

    Terry Wogan ‘totally spoiled’ Eurovision, says contest producer | Media | The Guardian



      :you_crazy GL BUT I LIKE U and :sign0087:

      u disappear a ferw days . thought u were maybe on thre way to switzerland and had lost yourself on the road to somewhere in a little mountains streets…


      I didn’t even know that the British people actually have humor :laugh_at::laugh_at:

      Well, you guys don’t understand our humor either.

      It can even be a problem sometimes, because our humor is at times very dark and ironic.
      when you use humor like that it is a must to be able to see the eyes of the one you talk to, things can otherwice become misunderstod easily

      The Swedish producer is the same age group as Terry Wogan – I don’t know enough Swedish to research whether he has always been the main SVT producer for Eurovision over the last 30 years though it is quite possible – he might not realise that in the UK jobs in media are much less secure and there is also still a gap between production and engineering.

      I agree with the main point he is making (which is more about the British attitude to mainland Europe) but he might not realise the BBC engineering does (and always has) take the Eurovision/EBU seriously although it has been downsized to the point it seems there are only some old professors near their retirement age sharing their knowledge; all the young staff are on short term contracts so they don’t want to help competitors.

      This means many people in the UK (even those working in the creative industries) don’t realise Eurovision is about much more than the song contest; and publish loads of free info about how to make all media (including online media like this forum and internet radio) better quality.

      UK tried recently to launch local TV stations again (ITV got fucked up by thatcho and merged into one region) but all the stations seemed to insist on spending €500 000 on their transmission setups from proprietary manufacturers and the BBC also spent loads of taxpayers money for fuck all trying to convert their old video tape to digital format in spite of SVT publishing full instructions in English on how to build a whole HD capable TV playout system for a local channel using about €10 000 of hardware (most of this cost was the motherboards, ram and graphics cards for the servers) and open source software.

      The Germans also used SVTs research to publish a setup that works on smaller systems; I even got it a fair bit of it working in full HD on a dual screen PC from 2009.

      it might have come across to Europeans that Terry Wogan was making fun of them he didn’t mind if others did the same – during the late 70s he made a recording of a traditional British folk song called “The Floral Dance”. I will spare everyone the link as it probably contravenes EU human rights (search for it if you are brave – you will realise why he decided to become a broadcaster rather than a singer).

      The EBU can be found here (there is a lot of good info on both production/editorial quality and technical matters in both French and English)

      EBU – Home

      @iliesse 981803 wrote:


      :you_crazy GL BUT I LIKE U and :sign0087:

      u disappear a ferw days . thought u were maybe on thre way to switzerland and had lost yourself on the road to somewhere in a little mountains streets…


      French aren’t funny…….

      @Benj@min 981805 wrote:

      I didn’t even know that the British people actually have humor :laugh_at::laugh_at:

      Well, you guys don’t understand our humor either.

      It can even be a problem sometimes, because our humor is at times very dark and ironic.
      when you use humor like that it is a must to be able to see the eyes of the one you talk to, things can otherwice become misunderstod easily


      a lot of humour is similar across Europe; language differences mean it doesn’t always travel well.

      it appears many folk in SE and DE do take themselves more seriously and due to recent history are very sensitive of any jokes about race, religion or appearance; added to that SE folk take producing Schlager music and following rules even more seriously than DE :laugh_at:

      UK, NL and DK have a similar sense of humour (although it can vary depending on regions and their political/religious views)- and if you are not familiar with the local language it can be easy to feel offended.

      Humour in FR, ES, IT, CH and AT and IE is more subtle – comedians historically had to avoid offending the Catholic Church and and compete with its own absurdities for comedy value.

      This is not unlike the BBC except under the last 3 popes the Vatican has ensured pedos and thugs are nicked far quicker and cleaned up the finances and management corruption; they can be more entertaining (Pope Francis does have a sense of humour, and there is a lot of funny banter on Radio Maria NL you wouldn’t expect to hear on a religious station) – and (unless you are German) you don’t have to pay them from your taxes…

      The badly edited Grauniad (a paper that claims to be left wing hasn’t helped things -its reporting standards are going down the WC TBH)

      The Swedish dude is not 69 but aged 57; the age quoted was that of British singer Sandie Shaw.

      He has been a musician since the 80s but only recently joined SVT. In his youth he was a gents hairdresser but for a Northern European this job would always becomes less appealing with age unless a chap specialises in beards and toupées. And if he thinks Tel was harsh if Graham Norton is still presenting Eurovision for the UK (and maybe also RTÉ?) a gay Scandinavian colleague about the same age group is surely going to be fair game :laugh_at:

      Henning Wehn is the funniest German I can imagine.


        @tryptameanie 981819 wrote:

        French aren’t funny…….

        sorry that u don’t like my french humour, but even u don’t find it funny, it’s my way for me and try for others to forget for a little moment the sad life we have to live with….

        @iliesse 981952 wrote:

        sorry that u don’t like my french humour, but even u don’t find it funny, it’s my way for me and try for others to forget for a little moment the sad life we have to live with….

        What are you talking bout my friend, French humour, or at least your humour, is very good.






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      Forums Life Film & Television SE : Swedish still do not understand British humour ;)