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DK : Regnecentralen retrocomputing part 2

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  • The dude who writes the emulator (Angel might have had these at her junior school) is still finding more stuff to add to it

    I did cheat a bit and use COMAL (similar to BASIC but with more advanced features to encourage structural programming) rather than Assembler as I couldn’t find a decent programmers texteditor on the CP/M disks


    COMAL is quite powerful IMO and similar to C and Python (very ahead of its time) – but a bit fo a learning curve as they system manuals are in Danish (I made a mistake assuming the char arrays would start at index 0 like they do in C and some dialects of BASIC but in COMAL they are at “Option base 1”

    FEJL == FAIL


    this is what it should do (OK very simple but it worked.


    I wonder though what happens when you want to code in C as your [ ] {} | are swapped with ÆæåÅøØ on this character set (probably I must send a different control code to the console to switch the character roms over).

    Thought the only computers around when Angel was at school were at Bletchley park…..

    @tryptameanie 982857 wrote:

    Thought the only computers around when Angel was at school were at Bletchley park…..

    she is from the same generation as me; things were slightly more advanced by then.

    There is a distant connection though as just after WW II the PTT telecom of the Nordic countries (DK/SE, NO etc) still used Enigma crypto left behind by the Germans and knew well GCHQ had kept on two of the Collossus machines to decrypt their comms as they feared these countries were Soviet aligned.

    The Danish govt offered the uni profs some millions of crowns to build better crypto machines but they told them “sometimes it is better to hide in plain sight, but we’ll take the cash anyway and build computers for schools and universities”. Which is how Regnecentralen was funded 🙂

    Thought the only computers around when you were at school were sat Bletchley park lmao.

    a lot of the bletchley park stuff was still restricted when I was at school – in 1987 when doing work experience at British Telecom one engineer said to me “don’t believe those Yanks who say they invented computers, we British built the first ones but were still not supposed to talk about it..” to be fair my high school computer lab was quite advanced; we had an entire 10 megabytes hard drive networked across 16 computers + a dual CPU server [I found various kernel backdoors in the network and pwned it by 1986; although there wasn’t much interesting on the hard drive as the teachers had (probably wisely) decided against using it for exam results knowing what might one day happen :laugh_at:

    A lot of it was still classified when I was ar school lol. Tommy Flowers was 80 I think when he was allowqed to talk about what he’d done.

    quite a lot of stuff was only declassified last year (like the BBC radio monitoring installations that fed raw wireless intercepts to GCHQ down the BT lines)

    Well look how long David Cameron and his previous generations didn’t pay their taxes before hackers declassified it.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology DK : Regnecentralen retrocomputing part 2