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DEA Now Trying to Stop Any Chance of People Benefitting From Kratom

Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs DEA Now Trying to Stop Any Chance of People Benefitting From Kratom

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  • What a set of fucking arseholes, as bad as the fucking British…..

    Why Kratom’s Getting Banned – And How We Can Stop This Drug War Madness | Drug Policy Alliance

    I know someone who uses Kratom as maintenance for Heroin. They bought like 3lbs before the ban but what happens to them when that shit runs out?

    Kratom is not even that highly controlled in SE Asia where there are countries with some of the harshest drugs laws in the world and some level of consensus amongst neighbouring countries not to simply give in to drug addiction (even if they are split between hardline enforcement and more modern methods of treatment).

    Even in countries where it is explicitly illegal (Thailand and Malaysia) arrests are uncommon and there have been calls to decriminalise (TH) as well as (MY) rejections of lobbying to move it from “poison” to “dangerous drugs” class. Some MPs in Malaysia even admitted to taking it themselves.

    Lively debate on ketum leaves – Nation | The Star Online

    @Shakyamuni 986001 wrote:

    I know someone who uses Kratom as maintenance for Heroin. They bought like 3lbs before the ban but what happens to them when that shit runs out?

    I use it myself every day. Get it by the kilo which lasts me around 3-4 months, no idea exactly but can be between 8-10g and 18-sh grams a day depending entirely on the day. It’s now banned from sale her but luckily I got another one just the other day however in the US it might be much harder as they’re wanting it in schedule 1, which is fucking insane and basically means you might as well just use smack cos you’d be just as fucked getting caught with either.

    Jesus fucking christ those arseholes just don’t think or care

    No they don’t care, Square, the credit card reading company shut down any merchant’s account if they were selling it at their coffee shop or place of business.

    I heard about a kratom bar getting raided in Florida (the trash can of America) BEFORE the ban went into place (ban is the end of the month).

    @Shakyamuni 986013 wrote:

    No they don’t care, Square, the credit card reading company shut down any merchant’s account if they were selling it at their coffee shop or place of business.

    I heard about a kratom bar getting raided in Florida (the trash can of America) BEFORE the ban went into place (ban is the end of the month).

    You can’t legally sell or import it here already now, still legal to possess but even if you imported a kilo of kratom here, I doubt very much is gonna happen at all, they certainly won’t be teating it like heroin or cocaine though.

    At least the UK and Asian nations do seem to still treat it as a lesser evil than stronger hard drugs.

    What the USA is doing makes even less sense when many states are flooded with fentanyl (often misidentified as other opiates) which is way more dangerous.

    This is another report from Malaysia going into more depth about how a plan to make it the equivalent of harddrugs/class A was successfully stoppped.

    Kratom (Ketum) criminalisation successfully shelved in Malaysia

    @General Lighting 986015 wrote:

    At least the UK and Asian nations do seem to still treat it as a lesser evil than stronger hard drugs.

    What the USA is doing makes even less sense when many states are flooded with fentanyl (often misidentified as other opiates) which is way more dangerous.

    This is another report from Malaysia going into more depth about how a plan to make it the equivalent of harddrugs/class A was successfully stoppped.

    Kratom (Ketum) criminalisation successfully shelved in Malaysia

    Saw an article on that earlier, also an article about the maker of fentanyl giving $500.000 to a campaign to stop medical cannabis becoming legal in whichever state it is.

    @tryptameanie 986016 wrote:

    Saw an article on that earlier, also an article about the maker of fentanyl giving $500.000 to a campaign to stop medical cannabis becoming legal in whichever state it is.

    For some years companies producing fentanyl and other opiates in the USA funding anti drug initiatives (including Jannsen which was founded in België by Professor Jannsen who discovered fentanyl) although that was a few years ago.

    The recent incident you may have read about relates to a company which does sell fentanyl sprays but is also trying to market a patented form of THC which medical cannabis would directly compete against.

    That said there have been UK companies patenting THC based meds and rather bizzarely selling them to the Netherlands – although there may be various checks and balances as well as regulation in EU and UK discouraging the same levels of political lobbying (these do not apply to US subsidiaries of EU companies)

    @General Lighting 986015 wrote:

    At least the UK and Asian nations do seem to still treat it as a lesser evil than stronger hard drugs.

    What the USA is doing makes even less sense when many states are flooded with fentanyl (often misidentified as other opiates) which is way more dangerous.

    This is another report from Malaysia going into more depth about how a plan to make it the equivalent of harddrugs/class A was successfully stoppped.

    Kratom (Ketum) criminalisation successfully shelved in Malaysia

    Rehab is a big business and methadone/suboxone maintenance treatment is ideal for pharmaceutical companies because it is something you do for the rest of your life. So it makes sense to do whatever can be done to advance this agenda even if it results in deaths from fentanyl and heroin.

    As far as it goes there are more pharmaceutical lobbyists in Washington than there are congresspeople.

    Healthcare in Malaysia is at least part nationalised (similar to NHS in England) but there are obvious logistical problems with provision in some of the rural/jungle areas.

    In those same areas (mostly in Northern Malaysia on the borders with TH) there has been extensive development work; they are not turning the entire jungle into an electronics factory (there is in fact plenty of it left) but appear to be building a mixture of residential settlements and long access roads in remote areas. These are several hundred km away from existing built up areas, I am not 100% sure what this is being done for but suspect it is mining of some sort for coal or other important resources such as minerals/rare earth metals used in electronic components. The construction of these areas is very recent and ithe roads and the electricity power poles were far better quality than found in many parts of the UK!

    In areas like this they will need a lot of hard working manual workers and tradespersons – and it is heavy physical monontonous work. I can see why non problematic usage of kratom would be tolerated in such regions.

    @General Lighting 986017 wrote:

    The recent incident you may have read about relates to a company which does sell fentanyl sprays but is also trying to market a patented form of THC which medical cannabis would directly compete against.

    Ah that’s right my friend, thanks for reminding me of the details.

    @tryptameanie 986023 wrote:

    Ah that’s right my friend, thanks for reminding me of the details.

    Marinol or Dronabinol is the synthetic form of THC and pretty much a last chance drug for AIDS and chemo induced vomiting and nausea. I’m not sure who makes it and someone could be trying to make a similar drug but Abbott was manufacturing it at one point whilst Jannsen are the Fentanyl folks.

    Here’s an article on it, not the one I originally saw.


      Hi, Mr. Meanie, i don’t know, but i have a feeling i have seen u, maybe just chat with u somewhere???
      Maybe do you have any souvenir of my name or its just my head which plays with my memory…. 😉
      KRATOM…Sounds to me like ATOM, is that something special :tripping-out::toxic:, or a medicine plant only???

      hope u or someone, can give me a real connaissor advice : if it is something i should explore or better wait for a dmt plan…..






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    Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs DEA Now Trying to Stop Any Chance of People Benefitting From Kratom