HELP!!! Its been about an hour since I did this but I cut my thigh really BAD! I don't want to go to the hospital and honestly it'd be the most heart breaking thing to do (self inflicted). The cut is a half an inch deep and wider than that. But I really cannot go to the hospital, is there anything else I can do to stop it or majorly slow it? I tried pressure for over 15 minutes after I did itand thought it slowed enough for me to just put a big bandaid on, big mistake. It bleed through within seconds so took the nearest tape/s to wrap around my thigh. Now I've got about 4 layers of tape on while I hold tissues over it. It's bled on my bed, pajama pants, my hands covered in it. PLEASE HELP123
Does Cialis Make You Last Longer? Cialis (tadalafil) is a drug that men with erectile dysfunction (ED) usually take to treat it. Cialis can help men get and keep an erection, but it doesn't naturally make people last longer during sexual action by slowing ejaculation.
But Cialis can indirectly help sexual adventures last longer in a few different ways.
For up to 36 hours after taking Cialis, the benefits will still be there, which is longer than some other ED drugs. Because this window of time is so long, men can have sexual relations at a time that works for them and their partner without feeling rushed. Couples can use this extra time to enjoy a more leisurely and slow sexual experience, which could lead to a deeper connection that lasts longer.
Cialis makes it easier for men to get and keep an erection by sending more blood to the penis. For some people, getting and keeping an erection can boost their confidence and make them less worried about how they're doing, which can lead to longer sexual encounters.
Some people who take Cialis have said that it makes them more sensitive and improves their sexual feelings. This stronger feeling might help both partners have a more enjoyable and longer sexual experience.
Cialis can help men with ED, but it's important to remember that it's not a treatment for premature ejaculation (PE), which is a different disease where a man can't control ejaculation. If ejaculating too soon is a problem, you might be better off with a different kind of treatment, like behavioral methods, skin creams, or medicines that are made to prevent ejaculation.
In the end, Cialis can have different effects on different people, and each person may have a different experience. Talking to a healthcare provider about any worries or hopes you have about your sexual performance is very important. They can give you specific advice and suggestions based on your needs and situation.
Aniracetam review {Nootropics – smart drugs} Aniracetam review {Nootropics - smart drugs}
Aniracatam is the second drug within the racatam family, discovered in the 1960s and it was used as a
way to further the research in improving memory formation and learning ability. At the beginning the
drug was primarily used for the purposes of treating Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia and in fact
it's still sometimes used as a prescription drug in some countries today but we can use it as a nootropic
because it not only improves memory formation but it's also a very fast-acting nootropic. Aniracatam
compared to piracatam impacts your body much quicker, within 30 minutes of administering, it has a
shorter half-life but it enters the bloodstream much quicker and that means that it can improve concentration
and focus even for small periods. So there's a number of different benefits with Aniracetam. The real benefit is
that it excites specific receptors called AMPA receptors, and these receptors are often responsible for releasing
a chemical called BDNF Brain-derived Neurotrophic factor and this improves memory formation, it acts like
fertilizer for the brain so you can remember things better and you can improve your learning ability.
One of the side effects of Aniracetam is headache which is rare, but sometimes occur when people are
lacking in choline. The best choline source supplements are Alpha GPC Choline, CDP Choline (Citicoline).
Another thing to be to keep in mind when you're taking Aniracetam is that it can be very stimulating,
and so people can find that they can't go to sleep if they use Aniracetam too close to bedtime.
So if you enjoyed this take a look at my recommended vendor for ordering your
nootropics and brain supplements. They are the most popular source for nootropics due to their competitive
pricing, vast selection, and excellent quality.
For the end, check out this infographic on best nootropic stacks 2016.
THC infused coffee/tea in the UK Hi All,
Does anyone know where i can THC infused coffee or tea in the UK? I was hoping to find an outlet online somewhere and get some imported but i can't seem to find anywhere sadly...
Any help you guys could help would be appreciated!!
Painkiller Placebo Effect Really quite interesting and David Mitchell is funny as fuck so thought I'd share this.
UK : Piper struck down by "bagpipe lung" This unfortunate British chap in early middle age caught a nasty lung disease which unfortunately proved fatal - in spite of being previously in very good physical health (previously being fit and active and easily able to walk 10km) and had never smoked in his lifetime.
He is not the only piper to have got this; it is a known risk with the modern "vegan" bagpipes that have synthetic bags - the previous ones made from leather required some stuff called seasoning (to keep them airtight) that also killed all the nasties. a popular brand has the tagline "guaranteed to make any bag tight that is not actually burst" (which should be read in a Scottish accent)
Also many pipers drank Scotch whilst piping (it is thirsty work) - alcohol also helps disinfect items ;)
(full medical report here)
Bagpipe lung; a new type of interstitial lung disease? -- King et al. -- Thorax
Dutch news have also issued a warning (the pipes are equally popular over the North Sea)
Doedelzakspeler overleden aan longinfectie door smerig instrument - RTL Nieuws
DE : A hazard of naked swimming Although naked swimming is popular during summer in Germany; this chap was unlucky and got himself hooked on a particularly sensitive part of his body.
He managed to eventually extract the hook and drive himself to hospital where he was checked up and will not suffer any lasting damage; but apparently this bit of the Kaisersee is declared as a fishing area rather than a naturist beach (there are usually signs stating which is which...)
Herbert Fendt heeft onlangs een hachelijk avontuur beleefd. Terwijl de Duitser in de Kaisersee bij Augsburg naakt aan het zwemmen was, voelde hij ineens een stekende pijn in zijn batsbajonet. Een visser had de nudist letterlijk aan de haak geslagen.
Toen Herbert de lijn aan zijn spermaspeer ontdekte, schreeuwde hij het uit. "'Niet trekken, niet trekken!', riep ik naar de visser", zo laat de Duitser weten. "Ik was doodsbang dat hij de lijn zou ophalen."
Uiteindelijk wist Herbert – die een pseudoniem gebruikt om niet voor lul te staan – de kant te bereiken. Maar hoe hij ook rukte en sjorde, de haak kreeg hij maar niet uit zijn Bratwurst.
De beste man wist uiteindelijk in de auto te stappen en naar het ziekenhuis te rijden. "De arts kon een glimlach niet onderdrukken", aldus Herbert.
De arme drommel mag nu een week niet zwemmen of douchen. Wel heeft hij nog contact gezocht met de visser. De hengelaar had sympathie voor de naaktzwemmer, maar vertelde dat de Kaisersee niet is bedoeld om naakt te zwemmen maar juist om te vissen. cookie-informatie
INT : EDM DJ’s express angst about mental health, addictions Decent article; wasn't expecting to see Above and Beyond being mentioned in the Grauniad to start with; for decades they always treated EDM as "low brow" culture (unless the performers were not from a "western" country) and were biased towards guitar music.
I had noticed myself that Armin Van Buuren went from looking about 18 to looking around 50 in the space of the last few years (poor blighter has lost nearly all his hair) in spite of being worth millions of Euros...
I think all my friends who were part of East Anglias EDM scene (many of them respected producers and promoters have gone back to the day jobs as they have families to support and its less stressful...)
25i-nbome, DMT, 4mmc etc 25i-nbome, DMT, 4mmc etc . we supply pure research chemicals in both large and small quantities. contact if interested at sales.mer0 AT gmail dot com.
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