Free party survey Would you like to collaborate with us (Undercurrents, the alternative news network ) in making a documentary about the history and politics of free parties? We need your opinions on:
· Why did thousands of people suddenly conspire in civil disobedience?
· What importance did the reaction of the authorities have in the development of the movement?
· Were there any alternative strategies that they did or could have considered?
· What questions would you ask Police and Politicians who were instrumental in the actions/reactions that shaped the course of dance culture?
· How have other countries experienced and dealt with similar movements?
· What events do you consider significant in the evolution of the culture.
· How have free parties changed in the last 10 years?
· What was it like for you?!
· Any other ideas/opinions of the key issues, help shape this into a truthful account of what really went on.
Do you have records, pictures or video footage that could be used?
We have set up a website with a discussion board.Please check it out on our site.
Please forward this message onto other people, who might be interested in
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Cheers and all from Liz, Mette and Mick.
Gap/Nike Ok so you have just been asleep in a marked out space in a dormintory with no health and safety aspects or lighting and now you are off to work for 16 hours for probaly less than 3p an hour and you arent allowed to smile or talk, you couyld recieve physical punishment if you do. No union can be formed to give you any rights and if you refuse to do any overtime without extra pay you will be punished. And if you get pregnant well forget you got no chance. These are some of the conditions in factories in the far east like in China or the Philipines where GAP and Nike products are made.
Do you think your fellow human beings should be treated like this?
STOP BUYING NIKE AND GAP PRODUCTS, because now you know how and where they were made, in these sickening conditions. Nike sucks and as for the Gap they are a very evil company, these two corporations arent the only ones either.
So think before you buy!
dirty tricks Last Thursday night a friend of mine was pulled over, whilst driving
through South Oxfordshire, by Thames Valley Police.
He asked as to why he'd been pulled over - the sole reason given was
that his car showed up on their computer as "a party car". This could
have been as his car registration details had been taken whilst parked
at freeparty sites, or maybe because this lad had been pulled over last
October en route to a party, to be given a lecture on "why you
shouldn't go to raves".
FWIW my friend has clean police and criminal records, has never even
received so much as a caution from the police in his life. He isn't
involved in the "organisation" of unlicensed parties (just goes along
to them and has a good time - nothing illegal about that!), and is not
involved in criminal activity.
The Babylon used every trick in the book to try and find something to
bust him for. Firstly, they refused to believe that the car wasn't
stolen - then after establishing particulars of ownership then
disbelieved that he was who he said he was (i.e. they now thought that
both the car, and every form of ID in his wallet as well, was also
stolen). They eventually gave up on this angle.
Police officer no give me producer
Yep, what they then wanted was the real sensimilla. Not only that -
they seemed convinced that he was involved with heroin (utter bollocks
I might add!) - and were asking for his needles to avoid injury to them
when searching his car. Turning over the car, they didn't find any
ganja, or other prohibited substances.
Short of finding anything that they could pin on him - they then
proceeded to bust him for not wearing a seat belt.
Clearly, this is the usual Thames Valley Police tactic of using
intimidation and harrassment to try and dissuade young "weekenders"
from becoming involved with free parties. Nothing new there. But what
concerns me more is that they automatically assumed that he was
involved in car-theft and heroin use, just because the car he'd been
driving had been spotted at, or on the way to freeparty sites. Perhaps
this is the kind of bollocks that police officers get fed by their
superiors to make them hate us. My friend has stable employment in the
construction industry. Perhaps what we need is some positive spin to
counter the lies and propaganda - though it seems that the Babylon have
their own agenda, one that goes far beyond merely upholding the law.
Prague ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~undercurrents in prague~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Update from Prague : Monday 25th September 17:30
Despite intense police harrassment - the Independent Media Centre has been
laid seige by "SWAT team" style police and many journalists and activists
have been detained on the border - the Undercurrents news team are braving
the streets of Prague to bring you the news you won't see on the news.
To view their exclusive footage, hear directly from the protesters
themselves, and keep up with the latest action, check out or
We are expecting the first encoded Videos to be uploaded in an hour or so.
Tomorrow, Tueasday 26th - from 9pm Undercurrents is teaming up with Pirate
TV and Seattle's legendary Studio X for comprehensive coverage of the
international protests against the IMF, from Prague and across the globe.
You can watch the events as they happen, as we broadcast live,
transmitting video within minutes of the action and audio interviews
straight from the streets to bring you a true picture of the gathering
strength of global resistance.
Please Network this information.
"In the build up to the meetings, the mainstream media has demonised the
use of direct action, concentrating solely on the sector of people intent on
fighting with police or damaging property. What is being ignored are the
tens of thousands of people blockading the conference using non-violent
means. The press is intent on creating a climate of fear and ignorance.
Undercurrents will be setting out to redress the balance and report on
what direct action actually involves beyond the sensational headlines."
Many thanks for your support.
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