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2010 – living in the future

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology 2010 – living in the future

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  • This dude is scanning and reprinting a children’s book from 1972 (the year I was born!) which was an authors vision of what technology people would have in 2010 :laugh_at:

    2010: Living In the Future | the book

    Ain’t clicking the link but didn’t they think we’d be living on the moon or mars by now?

    All i want is a cure for all cancers and a hover bike.

    nah some of it was fairly mundane – it mentioned “vision phones” a lot and people being able to get all the information they wanted through them and communicate with everyone in the world..

    you could argue that some of the things did happen, but what is a shame is the social predictions of stuff like clean streets, non polluting vehicles didn’t (it even said that kids would be able to get the bus for free and not worry about being run over or other threats to safety)

    Sorry GL that looked a bit rude when i said i ain’t clicking the link. Meant i gotta go out in a minute so ain’t got time lol!

    @DJCliffy 369258 wrote:

    Sorry GL that looked a bit rude when i said i ain’t clicking the link. Meant i gotta go out in a minute so ain’t got time lol!

    not everyones like you cliffy :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    there weren’t any hover bikes either and some of the ideas were a bit flawed and not even particularly eco-friendly (such as always using disposable cutlery). The dude what wrote it wasnt’ a proper scientist though, more an artist/writer (his dad was a famous scientist).

    @Tank Girl 369259 wrote:

    not everyones like you cliffy :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    HAHA that would of made my day :laugh_at:

    @Tank Girl 369259 wrote:

    not everyones like you cliffy :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology 2010 – living in the future