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acid and ur sanity

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs acid and ur sanity

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  • I wonderd if n e one can help me, I was recently told that once u have exeeded more than 10 trips u are classed as clinically insane?? has any body else heard this or does n e body no wether this is a fact??

    If all 10 were taken together, that could be an adequate description, yet again that prolly differs from person to person. If 10 were taken separately, I do not think one would have to be labeled clinically insane…

    As far as I know it’s about being recognised in a particular mental state by the law so that a defendant can use it to plead deminished responsability.

    For more details…

    Originally posted by comeflywithme
    I wonderd if n e one can help me, I was recently told that once u have exeeded more than 10 trips u are classed as clinically insane?? has any body else heard this or does n e body no wether this is a fact??

    I’m pretty sure this is an urban legend. Were it to be true, I would have been sectioned a long time ago 🙂

    the pure fact that you have had 10 trips doesnt automatically mean that you are insane. Psychologists find it difficult to diagnose somebody insane (i.e. a schizophrenic) because the symptoms are different for everyone. But the thing is some schizophrenics dont realise that they are ill so you really cant assess yourself!

    thats just an urban legend






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs acid and ur sanity