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  • Hi guys,

    I need some help with my computer, it seems to be an advanced problem as i am stuffed now. I put a pc together with parts i had lying about the house over the weekend and it went together fine, when trying to install windows XP it would start then freeze at the point it said it was loading the “Kernal DLL Debugger” got pissed off after trying so many times that i pulled it appart and then put it back together reset the BIOS and set it up again.

    I tried booting the windows disc and it went fine, realising that i hadnt connected the second hard drive up i stopped the instalation and put in the second hard drive. Doing this put back to square one, so a bit more fiddling and trying i finally got it to boot up and sucessfully installed windows XP, i then went on to installl service pack 2, Avast anti Virus a couple of drivers needed for graphics card and wireless card.

    When it went to do its restart i actually shut down to connect the audio lead for the DVD/CD drive to the mother board. Well now i am back to square one! it wont fooking boot up agian!

    Sometimes i get “cant load DLL debugger files” or something similar or i will get the row of white bars that appear on boot up that fill to make a solid bar, this will either go nearly all the way to the end before freezing or just get 25% of the way.

    I have put it back to how it was exactly when it was working, but that doesnt help.

    This has really begun to piss me off now as i have been trying for 4 days and i had it working last night.

    So come on guys one of you who might be a bit of a computer wizz, caqn you offer any advice on what it could be?


    Lee :bounce_fl

    My first piece of advice here is to go and get a copy of dban nuke, burn it to a cd [the iso is available for this] and run that on both the drives.
    It is machine code so will run without an operating system installed [its much better than windows format and really wipes the drive [no hidden bits of shit left]]

    is where you find it.

    Secondly dont install extra items during a reboot unless you are good at this stuff as windows tends to sulk when you do this. [as you have found out the hard way] FYI you could have run through the install with only one drive, finished that cycle and then added the second drive without problems – I do this for choice. [the main machine has 4 drives and only one of them is connected during an install process which stops windows doing anything to the information on the other 3 most of which is essential to my business]

    Now to your main problem :groucho: the ‘cant load kernel dll debugger’ means your windows cd is damaged [check it for scratches]. Go borrow another copy you know works off a mate, use that and then enter your windows key when requested. I would also advise you to take a copy as you may need it at sometime in the future again. 😉

    Hope that helps mate and if you need any more help you know where to find me :groucho:

    Raj wrote:
    Now to your main problem :groucho: the ‘cant load kernel dll debugger’ means your windows cd is damaged [check it for scratches]. Go borrow another copy you know works off a mate, use that and then enter your windows key when requested. I would also advise you to take a copy as you may need it at sometime in the future again. 😉

    Hope that helps mate and if you need any more help you know where to find me :groucho:

    Right your first bit of info will be tested tonight!

    I have actually got two discs of XP at home (1 is mine, another is a mates) both of these actually ran and started the installation, well the borrowed copy worked first, i then restarted with my disc and it worked fine. (so i could use my XP key with a different disc of XP?).

    But now this “cant load the kernel DLL debugger” error message comes up when just booting windows (not and instalation) or i get the stupid white bar freezing along the way!

    Well i think i will try and start from scratch again following your advice and see how it goes 😉

    Good luck raaa

    Right given up! Resorted to buying another Motherboard as i am sure i put it in the cupboard for a reason, i am sure that was playing up last time so i have decided to try a new one.






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