you may be in luck….
Although the passing of legislation relating to medicines and drugs legislation are reserved to Westminster (I have forgotten what the name of this protocol is) I think stuff like health goods sales is enforced mostly by Trading Standards and that is devolved.
It also sometimes takes a while for new legislation to filter across “Hadrians Firewall” as the emails with attachments get knocked back for a variety of often completely random reasons
I’d stock up though..
Cheers GL i shall do that.. 😉
I can see what you mean, i started drinking more & more often this summer, but its changed since i started smoking draw a lot more often, after exams. I think its because ive compared alcohol with the drugs ive taken, drinking makes me more aggressive and lairy, but with draw & E im more calm and feel i can happily talk to people without feeling well self conscious. ive also noticed that after being on E i can see more positive sides to people, which makes me feel happier around everyone…. :love:
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