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Alcohol is a killer

Forums Drugs Alcohol Alcohol is a killer

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  • @korno 531211 wrote:

    Wel i’ve taken up smoking weed again just before bed cos my working late was keeping my brain awake too late at night and not getting enough sleep for work in the morning, and um yeah i forgot was i was actually gonna write now haha

    Don’t do this.. I used to do it all the time, i’d go to bed at like 7;30, sleep for 13 hours every day no lie, but you will just get more and more tired as your body is deprived of REM sleep. Now I only do it if I been suffering a bout of insomnia. Plus if you do it daily you’ll get insomnia for a few days when you stop..

    @korno 531212 wrote:

    That’s it I have absolutely no clothes to wear tomorrow and i’m really not gonna bother putting a wash on now like i was meant to, oh well

    Binbags are quite fashionable or so i’ve been told

    @DeezNuts 531214 wrote:

    Don’t do this.. I used to do it all the time, i’d go to bed at like 7;30, sleep for 13 hours every day no lie, but you will just get more and more tired as your body is deprived of REM sleep. Now I only do it if I been suffering a bout of insomnia. Plus if you do it daily you’ll get insomnia for a few days when you stop..

    Not every night, but some nights i don’t get home from work till 9.30pm and if i smoke a bit of green i can be sleeping if i’m lucky at 11.30, i need it because i’m up early again for work or else i’m awake till 2am.

    @DeezNuts 531215 wrote:

    Binbags are quite fashionable or so i’ve been told

    I’m just gonna have to in smellin a lil bit funky raaa

    In all seriousness alcohol ‘its self’ isn’t a killer,
    Just like a gun is not a killer,

    it is an liquid / inanimate object

    The person who uses / and the way in which it is used is usually the problem

    Alcohol is a horrid toxic substance, but as with everything it is a continuum, some people can have a glass on ‘special occasions’ and leave it, some people can create a ‘special occasion’ because the day has a ‘y’ in it, some people become happy and talk nonsense on it (usually me) some people can become violent on it,
    And this can also be influenced by environment- internal and external stressors etc

    However I plan to test this out tonight with my favourite wrong un, I’m sure ill let you know how I get on :p

    Alcohal is a killer,Alcohal destroy your kidneys.,It causes blood pressure,cancer,heart attack,skin problems,lungs failure,lever failure!

    “guns don’t kill people, wabbits do” (I think that’s what they say anyway).

    Ain’t that the truth.

    @Barbey depp 515045 wrote:

    The bottle can be a vicious fiend. No lie.

    @DaftFader 554089 wrote:

    “guns don’t kill people, wabbits do” (I think that’s what they say anyway).

    I think it’s “guns don’t kill people. Rappers kill people” or something like that.

    Large amounts of alcohol can make people split personality.
    also, when consumed in appropriate amounts, alcohol can be beneficial for the health.

    @marzb 554088 wrote:

    Alcohal is a killer,Alcohal destroy your kidneys.,It causes blood pressure,cancer,heart attack,skin problems,lungs failure,lever failure!

    It does that all on it’s own? Wow, I will have to be more cautious. Best to steer clear of the alcohol section of the supermarket altogether, just to be on the safe side.

    And it causes blood pressure? Surely you need blood pressure or you rather quickly die. And as for lever failure, would that be like your car’s gearstick lever? Cos that could be bad and could cause an accident.

    Alcohol affects people differently, depending on their size, body build, and metabolism.

    General effects of alcohol are a feeling of warmth, flushed skin, impaired judgement, decreased inhibitions, muscular in coordination, slurred speech, and memory and comprehension loss.

    Combining alcohol with other drugs can make the effects of these other drugs much stronger and more dangerous…

    Are you starting to find that your drinking is starting to negatively affect your relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and other loved ones?

    Addiction is a disease of the mind, which lies to the addict and convinces him/her that everyone is against them, and that only the addict has everything under control.

    it is a causes blood pressure,cancer,heart attack,skin problems,lungs failure,lever failure, impotency what else do we expect?






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Alcohol is a killer