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Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy?

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  • boothy wrote:
    i think i might do that actually

    i recently e-mailed hollyoaks enquiring about their drug message (which, to be honest, is laughable)

    hahaha i can’t even watch hollyoaks anymore, there actors are sooo poor. i watched a programme the other day though and they were smoking a joint , someone walked past them going ”OMG what are you doing? you’re gunna ruin ya life and waste it away” hahaha. funny stuff…………..tbh like kids listen to messages like this, seriously.

    I dont really get why there is classfor drug, think it depends just on ppl. The worst is the fag, kill u without givin u any fun. Im sure that ppl take more coke than e s since i m gettin older, i see everyone takin, it seems like u smoke when u r young coz u got too much energy n nothin to do, and do coke when older coz too much stuf to do n no energy 🙂 I stoped pills 6 years ago after a rave where i was to close to loose all my teeth, bullshit stuff, md is cool sometime. LSD the best

    I don’t think it went into too much depth as it was for the general public to watch, made a change for a program not to scream out about the “Evil Drugs”

    If your really interested in a more indepth version go onto The Lancet’s website and get the full article, the people on the program are teh ones who did the study…

    Djredrum wrote:
    I dont really get why there is classfor drug, think it depends just on ppl. The worst is the fag, kill u without givin u any fun. Im sure that ppl take more coke than e s since i m gettin older, i see everyone takin, it seems like u smoke when u r young coz u got too much energy n nothin to do, and do coke when older coz too much stuf to do n no energy 🙂 I stoped pills 6 years ago after a rave where i was to close to loose all my teeth, bullshit stuff, md is cool sometime. LSD the best

    agree with 100% of that.

    Sadly I missed this show, but I would agree that many drugs need to be reclassified by the amount of harm they can do, factual education needs to be given at school age, the problem with the ‘drugs are evil’ etc BS they taught when I was in school is that the moment you see the truth by either taking something like an E, or hearing the truth 2nd hand from someone you trust then the teachers loose all credibility for lying and you wont believe them even on the true bits they teach you.

    My Nan dying on lung cancer from 40+ years of smoking cigs

    My Aunt and Cousin both died from alcohol related illnesses

    I know of dozens of other people who have either died from alcohol & tobacco, or damaged themselves and those around them because of their addiction.

    The only person Ive known who died from an illegal drug was a kid at school who fell off a bridge when apparently tripping on acid, at least that was the story that went around, I wasnt really friends with him and didnt have any 1st hand knowledge of it.

    Personally I have never done Coke or anything you need to inject because I have seen 1st hand how addictive these drugs are and how they turn the addicts into selfish despicable people.

    Weed, much as I love it I have to admit is harmful as is anything smoked, also it does effect your memory and make you lethargic, lazy and when I was a heavy weed smoker I drifted through years in a daze without achieving anything, only now looking back and comparing what I have to what I could have had can I see what I missed out on being a stoner for so long. Also the saying that weed leads on to more harmful drugs is TRUE, I didnt smoke tobacco until I started smoking weed, and even though I rarely smoke weed now, I am hopelessly addicted to tobacco because of it.

    MDMA I did pretty much every weekend for several years and had a great time on, I never came to any harm on it, only ever had good times, only stopped because the crowd I hung around with all started to settle down and have families, something that dont mix well with drugs, I do miss it and reminisce about the good ol’ days, but there was no physical addiction, wanted it, but never craved or needed it.

    LSD I did play around with as a teenager, and although I had some really good times on it, I also a few really bad ones including the only time I ever got arrested and a time me & a friend smashed up and burned his garden shed and some furniture because we loved watching the flames. LSD is not addictive, and a from my experience does you no real harm directly, but it can cause you to do stupid things that can be harmful to yourself and others.

    Speed though I enjoyed as a recreational weekend drug mixed with Es, I have seen people who used it every day go a bit nuts, become true criminals going out on the rob to pay for more, I dont think its physically addictive but with over use it has a very strong psychological addiction.

    Legal highs well before Drone they were a joke, but when the quality of Es went to hell and with the harsh sentences given to those selling E’s made good ones very hard to get I tried and instantly loved the drone, had great times on it and never did me any harm, again no physical addiction but some psychological, very moreish. I only ever did it as a Friday night thing as Ive always worked but if I had not had such a strong work ethic I could see the drone easily being something that could take over your life. After Drone was banned I tried many things to get that feeling again but nothing has really matched it.

    I think it’s right that some drugs are illegal, things like Heroin, crack and others that are highly addictive & harmful

    But others like weed and MDMA being illegal is pure hypocrisy when alcohol and tobacco are legal, and these laws have all about money, the corporations that have political power from money, bring in vast tax revenues, and the lack of factual education on drugs.

    I would very much welcome drug classifications redrawn in order of harmfulness, and would say alcohol is far more harmful and dangerous directly and indirectly than MDMA, but recognise alcohol will never be made illegal, partly because of the money it makes & number of people employed in the industry, and partly because anyone can make it themselves at home.






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy?