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Aliens: Colonial Marines

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Aliens: Colonial Marines

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  • OMG it fucking sucks, Gearbox outsourced a huge amount of the programming to multiple developers because they were too busy making their runaway hit Boarderlands 2. Aledgedly, they outsourced it because saga got pissed of with waiting for gearbox to come up with anything and threatened suing them. It has been in development for around 7 years and lots of different companys have had their mits on it. It was ment to be out on the PS2 FFS and you can tell that some of the texture haven’t even been reskinned ie; the wayland logo on the walls is fuzzy and you can’t even read the text. It plays like an arcade game where as it should be a scary game that makes you fear encountering the xeno’s. Instead it’s kill as many xeno’s as you can. Game fucking sucks, huge disappointment.


    BTW I hate this guy I just couldn’t be fucked to find a new review I got some big news i’ trying to post!!!!

    Uhh you posted the wrong video.
    My brothers picking it up this week I think so I expect i’ll be giving it a bash..

    Tell him not to waste his money, seriously mate, it is a pile of shit. Like and arcade game for 10 years ago. Watch some reviews of it. Apparently trading standards are looking into i because they pulled a bait and switch at the press release. They showed them a different game.

    Told him but he probably won’t listen to me lol. Just read a few reviews and it sounds pretty shit man…

    Love the Alien movies………….. bored shitless with first person shooters

    It’s even worse than an FPS mezz, it’s like playing gears of war with really bad AI. I hate games like KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL walk KILL KILL KILL

    Apparently his bird got it him yesterday or something. He said its okay but a bit slow.


    i’ll get me coat.


    Im putting it in now, i’ll see what its like and get back to you.

    It’s a travesty to the films lore.

    Ive just got Alien Colon Marines. Its very painful!

    It’s pretty shit to be fair. Just like a standard shooter. I mean i’m only 5 minutes or so in but the ‘scary’ moments were bait and you could tell they were scripted.. Its one shot one kill with a shotgun aswell.. too easy..

    it’s like too many aliens to kill, not enough suspense. Well there is one bit you might like in the nest that was a bit heart thumpy but it was killed by the god awful AI

    Played more but got bored and left it. It doesn’t really make sense it feels rushed.

    damn 🙁 was hopeing it would be good, though they havnt made a good one in years






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Aliens: Colonial Marines