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All coffee shops to be closed in amsterdam by feb next year.

Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Coffeeshops All coffee shops to be closed in amsterdam by feb next year.

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  • got no articles, but its gonna happen. smokeitup might have more info. all tied in with the getting rid of the squats thing thats happening at the moment.

    enjoy it while you can all you smokers!

    fucks sake thanks god I got over there a few years ago! bye bye chance of ever sampling good hash ever again.

    shit…. ive got a weeks holiday left to take

    dam here i come

    The only articles I’ve found date back from 2 years ago

    NOS Nieuws – Amsterdam moet 43 coffeeshops sluiten

    and more recently a CDA (Conservative) politician gave an anti drugs speech and was punched to the ground! (political violence in NL was rare until recently)

    AD Binnenland – CDA-politicus gemolesteerd vanwege standpunt drugs (523434)

    Toen hij hiervan melding maakte bij de café-eigenaar, kwam de man uit Nederweert op hem af en sloeg hem tegen de grond.

    not found any definite articles although the rise in power of Geert Wilders (who has a strong anti-drugs stance as well as anti-Islam) will not help the situaiton.

    I think its a sad one but not a disaster as though I want to visit the Netherlands it is for many other reasons rather than to take drugs… I do appreciate drugs divide their nation and even gedoogbeleid can cause social problems so don’t want to do anything to make anyones country a worse place…

    Kunnen jullie geen niewusartikelen op Nederlands vinden? Ik kan een beetje Nederlands lezen, genug voor deze artikelen.. 😉

    obviously its not happened yet, so you never know, things may change, but at moment its supposed to be 100%

    thing is there is no way the Dutch would do something like that without widespread debate in the govt and media, and so it does seem really odd that none of the mainstream news or govt sites are reporting it. Perhaps its waiting for a vote or something or being tried out in some area but I’ve scoured VN (Vrij Nederland) which is like a Dutch version of the Guardian, also a few tabloid sites and there is nothing mentioned anywhere…

    even if its a done deal they need to tell the rest of the EU authorities and media from a pragmatic POV so they can warn other citiznes not to go there for drugs tourism or risk being nicked (and it would then cost €€€ to the Dutch to nick all these people)

    not to say that it is but this rummer goes round every so often *shugs* (ever since i was about 16.)

    @1984 403444 wrote:

    not to say that it is but this rummer goes round every so often *shugs* (ever since i was about 16.)

    since the war, the rise of Islamophobia (think about it, where does most hashish come from? 😉 and other forms of xenophobia (the drugs/sex industry is run by and attracts many immigrants) and the election of more right wing politicos its become more than just a rumour, however it is not unanimous opinion that this should happen (as the young conservative being beaten shows)!

    @General Lighting 403446 wrote:

    since the war, the rise of Islamophobia (think about it, where does most hashish come from? 😉 and other forms of xenophobia (the drugs/sex industry is run by and attracts many immigrants) and the election of more right wing politicos its become more than just a rumour, however it is not unanimous opinion that this should happen (as the young conservative being beaten shows)!

    it does certainly seem to be shifting in that direction, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true other than the lack of media reports.

    I think its a definite desire by the CDA and the ironically named Freedom Party (the one Geert Wilders runs) – although the government has no overall controll like here in England and they haven’t even formed their coalition yet I think Wilders holds the balance of power at least in some areas…. both have a common desire to end the Dutch tolerance of drugs.

    I thought the Dutch hated Wilders.

    @p0ly 403457 wrote:

    I thought the Dutch hated Wilders.

    he has a certain core of support in some areas and has totally divided the country, and since the recession has also picked up votes from people who think the CDA is too lenient. the CDA (a Christian Conservative) party also wants to close the coffee shops and they have a greater amount of support.

    this video (in Dutch only unfortunately) is a CDA politican saying how they want to close down the coffee shops. the verb “willen” means to want to do something in Dutch, not that it “will” happen (worden or moeten is more commonly used here). it is possible this confusion and mistranslation fuels the rumours more..

    [Video] CDA wil coffeeshops sluiten, maar dan? –

    this is a local Council saying they want to close down shops (in one area alone0

    RTV Oost – Nieuws: Raad Kampen wil coffeeshop sluiten

    I’ve also found a white paper from the VVD (party for freedom and democracy) Councillor in Den Haag where he sets out a plan to close 10 coffeeshops there.

    Reading this 6 page document and researching the Councillor (who is only in his 30s and even younger than me) is approaching the limit of my Dutch (though it is set out in comparatively plain and simple language) – but shows a much bleaker picture.

    The young folk our generation across the North sea have grown up with gedoogbeleid – and a fair few of them are voting against it by their own free will as they now think its a threat rather than an asset to their nation, as global and political economic pressures bite harder.

    wouldnt thinkt they release it to the media till last minute tbh, will prob try and keep it as quiet as poss and do a few here, few there until totally nothing allowed. prob try and sneak it i reckon. shouldnt think theyd wanna deal with a possible mass protest or any shit like that by the cannabis campainers or anything. i trust the guy that told me so pretty certain its gonna happen tbh. hopefully not, but if it happens dont be suprised.

    I’ve found one article from 2008 giving a deadline of end 2011 for 43 shops to close. this isn’t the entire lot in Amsterdam but its possible the VVD and CDA are stepping up their game – they are certainly being more hardline within the local Council chambers.

    de Telegraaf is a conservative newspaper (just like here) and tends to support things like this with positive publicity.

    Although Dutch society tends to operate on consensus (more so than Britain!) The Dutch police and security forces like the AIVD are well equipped to deal with and break any mass protest if it happens.

    They are all huge bastards with guns and have had 30 years of dealing with any issues caused by squatting and also tensions within the multicultural bohemian society. I think also even the left wing Dutch don’t like the drugs culture all that much, its seen as a shameful thing same as how even many liberals in England are ashamed at our portrayal as footy hooligans and binge drinkers.






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Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Coffeeshops All coffee shops to be closed in amsterdam by feb next year.