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Anyone ever smoked Belladonna?

Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs Anyone ever smoked Belladonna?

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  • I’m curious to see what kind of effects this herb has when smoked.

    I mean the deadly nightshade stuff. I keep hearing it’s a great sativa high and then everywhere else it trips you out bad for like days. Which one is it?

    Try and report back, that is our standard answer here at PV.

    Erm, are you fucking mental? Have you researched Belladonna at all? As said it’s in the nightshade familt but look at the other alkaloids it contains and maybe google some lol.

    Atropa belladonna, Atropa signifies it contains significant amounts of atropine. Atropine is good and bad and is similar to scapolamine. When I was (sort of) in the army, when going to war you are issued with atropine pens and these are for use incase of chemical or biological attack. If you think you’ve inhaled some nerve agent ir something, you take an atropine pen out and stab yourself in the leg with it. You are given 3 pens and have to use one every 30 minutes or something. Thing is, you’re told that using the pens by mistake will lead to horrific things, many of which you won’t be aware of (just looked at wikipedia and it turns out this is full of scapolomine as well).

    Scapolomine is actually used to treat the side effects of some anti-psychotic medications and is administered on a plaster that goes behind the ear but the dose is in the microgram range and is pure scapoloimine. Personally if you tried smoking belladonna I’d think you were fucking insane, and that’s by my standards which are pretty fucking low.

    Wiki section on it’s use as a recreational drug.

    @tryptameanie 977402 wrote:

    Erm, are you fucking mental? Have you researched Belladonna at all? As said it’s in the nightshade familt but look at the other alkaloids it contains and maybe google some lol.

    Atropa belladonna, Atropa signifies it contains significant amounts of atropine. Atropine is good and bad and is similar to scapolamine. When I was (sort of) in the army, when going to war you are issued with atropine pens and these are for use incase of chemical or biological attack. If you think you’ve inhaled some nerve agent ir something, you take an atropine pen out and stab yourself in the leg with it. You are given 3 pens and have to use one every 30 minutes or something. Thing is, you’re told that using the pens by mistake will lead to horrific things, many of which you won’t be aware of (just looked at wikipedia and it turns out this is full of scapolomine as well).

    Scapolomine is actually used to treat the side effects of some anti-psychotic medications and is administered on a plaster that goes behind the ear but the dose is in the microgram range and is pure scapoloimine. Personally if you tried smoking belladonna I’d think you were fucking insane, and that’s by my standards which are pretty fucking low.

    I never smoked it, I was just curious because there’s a strain called Belladonna for pot and then there’s the crazy psyoactive hallunicogenic kind. I got confused about which was which because when I did actually do the research (which I always do before posting anything on here) some people were talking about Belladonna as a bad 3-day LSD trip and then someone smoked a strain of sativa called Belladonna. I just didn’t understand the difference or at least the difference wasn’t obvious enough because of what I “discovered” in my garage that me and 3 other roommates share.

    I also looked it up being used as treatment for Parkinsons and they labeled it as an opioid like a really nice oxycontin comparison type drug. So there was about 3-4 different people calling it by that name but not being specific. That’s why I asked.

    Can’t tell you who got ahold of it because I wish for them to be anonymous. The whole reason I asked besides not understanding the 4 different kinds of Belldonna they’re talking about was to find out what “this person” was using it for. If it causes a balls to the wall 3-day acid trip then I have not seen them use it but if it’s a blend of sativa then that would make sense. So I did do the research, perhaps I should’ve been more clear in my post. My apologies.

    Hi Slimshifty :). Turns out there is actually a strain of cannabis named belladonna which is where this confusion has come from it would appear. God, doesn’t bear thinking about someone reading about smoking belladonna the strain then going out with the mistaken belief that atropa belladonna was the stuff they wanted.

    @tryptameanie 977424 wrote:

    Hi Slimshifty :). Turns out there is actually a strain of cannabis named belladonna which is where this confusion has come from it would appear. God, doesn’t bear thinking about someone reading about smoking belladonna the strain then going out with the mistaken belief that atropa belladonna was the stuff they wanted.

    This is some reason as to why in Europe we tend to use those hybrid English/German scientific names in pharmacology rather than what the marketers wish to call their substances…

    The only problem with the BD that I found is that it’s definitely not some strain of pot. It can’t be because it’s all loose and leafy literally like someone picked grass from our backyard and put it in a giant bad, I mean this bag is a FREEZER bad that you would use to put frozen hamburger meat in, a pound of hamburger. It’s just very loose and not sticky or any orange colors like BD sativa is described. This is definitely not pot at all. This person that uses it, which I found out who it was, works from our place we’re renting so this person doesn’t go out very much so I’m thinking this person ordered it from some BS place online.

    I tried spice the other day and it chilled me out but it was not like pot at ALL. It was weird, like more hallucinogenic. I didn’t see the walls melting or anything but I just sunk into the couch and felt like paranoid and then I went to work and I was still high on it and I felt like crap. I felt flu-like symptoms, I was freezing cold and my nose wouldn’t stop running and then I started feeling depressed very suddenly. It was scary and I had a terrible experience. Oh my God I felt like jumping off a bridge and we have plenty of those where we live. Spice SUCKS I don’t know how anybody could enjoy that stuff. There’s no warm, cozy “haha” feeling like with pot. I felt miserable and this morning (I had smoked it yesterday) I still felt shitty. This stuff is disgusting and I hope to Christ people legalize the real stuff to get kids on the streets off this stuff. I mean I seriously thought about driving into a tree.

    Everyone was an asshole. I wanted to punch people in the face all day and I was extremely rude to a coworker which isn’t NOT like me by any means but at the same time, it was a little over the top. I was straight up MEAN to this kid which is really unlike me. I’m normally sarcastic and an asshole but I was mean. This spice crap needs to be dumped in the toilet. I took the little I had and dumped it in the trash, no way am I touching that shit ever again.

    Okay some stuff that doesn’t male sense to me in that post Slim. 1st you say that this definitely wasn’t weed but wasn’t spice cos spice is more hallucinogenic, well, belladonna would be considered one of the most disturbing and potent hallucinogens on Earth. 2nd, what you have had as “spice” which could be literally anything, is not indicative of all synthetic cannabinoids which I 90% believe that this is. You describe something that isn’t weed cos of the way it looks, well synthetics get laid on stuff that could be anything all the time (I do it every week).

    Would love to have a sample so I could get it to a lab for a proper anakysis cos I’m interested now ;).

    @tryptameanie 977449 wrote:

    Okay some stuff that doesn’t male sense to me in that post Slim. 1st you say that this definitely wasn’t weed but wasn’t spice cos spice is more hallucinogenic, well, belladonna would be considered one of the most disturbing and potent hallucinogens on Earth. 2nd, what you have had as “spice” which could be literally anything, is not indicative of all synthetic cannabinoids which I 90% believe that this is. You describe something that isn’t weed cos of the way it looks, well synthetics get laid on stuff that could be anything all the time (I do it every week).

    Would love to have a sample so I could get it to a lab for a proper anakysis cos I’m interested now ;).

    I’m sorry, I went off on a tangent because this person that I live with also had some spice. I knew it was spice because it was in such a large quantity and did not have the same sticky-like “grouping” texture of the pot that I have smoked in my life. I tried the spice and yes, I did feel high. It was a head high and a body high but it just wasn’t my thing. It felt nice to begin with but then I felt worse and worse throughout the day. That was the spice I tried, I don’t remember the name but it started with an H because this person’s bags are labeled.

    The BD stuff I found was like pot but very leafy and, kind of like stuff you would rake up in your yard, that’s the best way I can describe it. I have not smoked the BD. I smoked the other stuff H and it made me feel too weird but I know it’s spice because we recently had a falling out with our man and haven’t had the real stuff in months. This person will try anything once and the labels on the bags were not this person’s labels; they were typed up and almost embedded in the bags like something you would pick up from a local smoke shop that’s completely legal. In other words, more professional. The H stuff was labeled “The Dream Drug” or something like that and I smoked it for the first time one night to see if it was going to give me cool and interesting, trippy dreams like it was described when I looked it up. Unfortunately, cannot pull up my browsing history because I am using a VPN service otherwise I’d tell you what it was. It mellowed me out but I wasn’t like happy like pot makes me feel. I was very serious, chill, but serious and felt paranoid like everybody knew I was high plus it lasted a lot longer than pot and that’s what kind of made it uncomfortable, at least for me.

    The BD had a much more pot-like texture to it. Little to no stems but not in clumps like pot usually comes in. It still looked like stuff from our back yard only greener and more thinned out if that makes sense. I haven’t smoked the BD and I will not be smoking anymore of that Dream stuff. It didn’t make me feel good and I would rather just enjoy my skittles and pot. I hope this clears that up. I literally do have ADHD so I can change the subject on a dime but that’s this person’s stash and I will not be going through that mess again. I was looking for more pot (because this person is a bogart and won’t share) and I was sadly mistaken that this is not what they had. But yes, I would love to send you some so you could figure out what the hell it is. It’s weird.

    Hey Slim I think you misunderstand me slightly. What yoyu klnow as spice is just some random leaf or herb that has had a synthetic cannabinoid, dissolved in a solvent like acetone, pour over it allowing the powderred cannabinoid to permeate whatever stuff you put the solvent on. I personally use marshmallow leaf but have used damiana and many different dried herbs (parsley, oregano, general mixed herbs) but anything that will smoke will do. People have ripped open tea-bags and used the contents of those, rolling tobacco can be soaked giving a basically undetectable smoking gear so what I am saying Slim is that you could never szay “that’s spice” by looking at it.

    Also spice is a branded product so you get what is labelled as spice from one vendor and I will put money on it not being the same as what you buy as spice from the next shop. I can go and prepare right now the exact same blend but place it on 2 totally different substrates that look totally different but the effect will be exactly the same.

    On top of that there are probably well over 100 different synthetic cannabinoids, every one having its own unique properties such as potency, duration and as far as each different synthetic giving a different high. It’s common, and I do it almost always, to use a blend of different cannabinoids to make a blend tailored exactly to your own tastes. I started going through the different cannabinoids one at a time, making a pure blend at exactly the same concentration (1 gram cannabinoid to 25 grams substrate) and noting the different characteristics then taking the ones that I felt were best in each category (take the most potent, then the longest lasting etc…), combine them and do exactly as before. I could very easily demonstrate that to you as well. I could make 2 different blends using exact same weights of cannabinoid and substrate but change the cannabinoid itself and allow you to try them both. I could use say THJ-018 for a mild blend and MMB-CHIMINACA for a string blend. You’d enjoy the THJ-018 but if I gave you the MMB (which is the main component of my blends for myself) you would probably never want to accept anything I offered you to smoke ever again, it’s seriously that strong. I gave some of my own personal blend to the bloke in the bong shop and he said he made a joint, went in the bath and started to smoke it while he read the newspaper. He said after 3 tokes the words on the page started moving and he could smoke no more.

    What I’m saying is that I can not say that he does not have belladonna but I can definitely say you cannot say for certain it isn’t a synthetica cannabinoid

    Never trust your dealer when they tell you what something is.

    Your dealer is the last person you should trust. I know of almost zero dealers who have any actual clue about their products. They normally know what they cost him and what they are going to rape you for them and fuck all else.

    maybe its a [positive] consequence of racial stereotypes; but I’ve never encountered that problem down South.

    Many dealers (including chaps about 3 times my size) assumed I was both a maths / technology genius and some kind of ninja (which I am not) and my bike panniers could be full of all sorts of covert weaponry including a J-frame revolver; in spite of me being a left wing hippy type with mostly pacifist views and the “heavy stuff” being harmless computer and radio equipment + spare accus and tools to keep bicycles safely running if you are going to cycle 30-40km across rough terrain like I often did in the early 2000s.

    So they have been 100% honest about the quality of their gear and do not do such things as sell 0,8g bags as 1.0g or other rip-offs at larger scale blamed on incorrect imperial/metric conversions.

    Mind you I’ve stopped some from ripping themselves off due to their poor maths skills and tipped off others when feds were around (in the days before Airwave radios) thus gained a fair bit of respect in my previous town.






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Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs Anyone ever smoked Belladonna?