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Anyone go to Bio-Tech / BrainSkan?

Forums Rave Party Reports Anyone go to Bio-Tech / BrainSkan?

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  • hi, been to both of these before. both excellent parties. did anyone go to the biotech near lowestoft last weekend, in a huge quarry, it was biotech and the environmentalists. just wondered if anyone here goes to these, or if someone could give me the number for brainskan (cos i lost it), or any other good parties in the east anglia area.


    I go to them sometimes 😉 What other Bio-tech’s have ya been too?

    There are some others in the area on the forum. fRiJ is a regular Brain Skaner.


    I think Brains Kan are finished for the summer, but if you PM me with your e-mail addy then I will let you know if there any Kan parties on. I am a bit reluctant to give the number here considering the amount of Babylon activity to hassle us. The best way to get the number is from someone you know personally.


    It’s definately inadvisable to give out any more information than a hotline number.

    Yeah, i attended the Environmentalists and Bio-Tech the other week. Wicked venue, shame it would have been to hard to actually get a system down the quarry. BrainSkan number if you still need it – [edited]. I’m part of a system called unit – E, we threw our first party on Saturday and it went down well good! We teamed up with Slack Banta in a barn Nr Thetford / Watton. Slack Banta + Unit – E are joining forces for good, as we all already knew each other, and obviously the system is a lot better. Our Number for future parties is [edited], hopefully one on 25th October. Some other numbers that you might already have:

    Katalyst – [edited]
    Equality – [edited]
    Environ’ – [edited]


    Ello slack unity.

    Glad the party went well. Heard it was really good. Gutted I couldn’t go.

    I’d advise you edit your post and remove the numbers. Especially the enviro one (i know how much neil hates unwanted attention). Too many un-desirables read this forum mate! PM the guy the numbers instead.


    Glad to say that I was there too, (I was the one with the permenant grin on me face) It was a wiked night, great choons great people, great location (even tho it took me 4 hours to find it). Keep up the good work. This is just wot norfolk/suffolk needs, or maybe I’m just bias in my oppinions:D AS far as numbers are concerned there are a lot of rigs that are not too keen on letting there numbers be known except by word of mouth, this forum is too public and the wrong types are likely to get hold of it. I actually got to know about the party from a freind of yours then I told quite a few others and I know that people like Sy told others so word does get around pretty quick and to the right peeps keep up the good work you have a nice little rig and I wish you happy partying for da futre:D

    Yep Sorry bout the numbers – 1 st time i put anything on and thought that posting reply would be discreet and not available for the view of babylon. I E – mailed the site straight away when i saw they were up there – School boy error !!!

    : – )

    Yeah, i was at the Bio-Tech Enviromentalists party back in September. Missed the Slack Banta and Unit-E party on saturday thou!!!!

    fRiJ – Brains Kan are far from finished mate! They wont pack up for winter until January time mate! We are all in for a good partying winter, believe me!!!!! hahahahaha


    Hey B! How ya doin? Yeah I realise that about the Kan parties I wrote that before when there hadn’t been a Kan for a month after the festivel. Wasn’t sure wot was going on! Since spoken to the crew and they told me that they will slow down a bit but will keep going until NYEat least so there is plenty of party time to look forward to. Like you can’t wait 4 the w/end really looking forward to a good Bangerz and Gash (or is it smash:rolleyes: ) Should be good. Had a good night last night will probably do it a bit more often but not every week tho. C ya Sat if not before:D

    Yeah mate i would love to do the wednesday night thing more often, cant believe the turn out, it was great and made Carlos happy too. Gonna take it easy until sat as i have a early start! Oh dear! But will be aving it without a doubt saturday night. See ya there mate.

    I’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again, Partying in East Anglia is bloody beautiful!

    I’ve been to plenty of Bio_tech and Brains Kans over the past couple of years, and they are both top notch. Although they both have different qualities, to me, they both have the atmosphere that makes a proper party.

    Brains Kan was my first and last party of the year (I’m now sadly in Brighton for the winter) and I have to say, there’s something special about it. Maybe its the wicked selection of music, (Love the Old Skool) or the beautiful sites, or maybe the fact that you can always get just a little more messy than normal :D!

    On the other hand, the combination of Bio-tech, Enviromentalists, and Rebel Lion provides us with an unforgetable night/day.

    Keep your ears to the ground people, cause Bangerz ‘n’ Gash have got a point to make! After the madness of the first party with Assassin, and with the gourgous 1foot skank rig, bury cru are gonna prove they can party!

    Aaaaah! Decisions, decisions; it’s a hard old life!

    Sorry, i tend to go on a bit…… er, slack unity, could you please PM me those no’s, ‘cept Enviro’s (No need!)

    Cheers. Binge.

    Thanks once again Binge! Its really nice to hear people appreciating what we do.






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Forums Rave Party Reports Anyone go to Bio-Tech / BrainSkan?