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Anyone have a sniffer dog they can lend me?

Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs Anyone have a sniffer dog they can lend me?

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  • Just realised there’s a fucking hole in my pocket (dear liza) and somewhere in between my car and my room something fell out of it. 😥

    I’m not too bothered about loosing it, it’s just kids play in my street and that’s not good, also I don’t want anyone else finding it on the floor of my house!

    I’ve checked my house as best I can, and went out twice to check the car/road but nothing.

    Luckily if it is in the road, it’s not obvious what it is, so most likely a car will just crush it, it’s not in a blatent baggy or anything, doubled edged sword really, as if it was I’d probably of found it lol.

    Oops! It’s bad that you lost it mate, but I don’t think it woulda been picked up by kids – more likely you’ve just made some caner’s day!

    Drug problems, ehh?

    Was it a herbally something or a powdery something?

    I actually found it the next day right outside my neighbour’s door … luckily her young kiddy didn’t find it! It had been pissing it down with rain earlier in the day too, but luckily it hadn’t got wet lol.

    Big relief, and lucky I went back out to hunt for it as it was so blatantly there, I’m surprised I hadn’t seen it the day before when I lost it and went hunting.

    @MC G-Tek 553508 wrote:

    Oops! It’s bad that you lost it mate, but I don’t think it woulda been picked up by kids – more likely you’ve just made some caner’s day!

    There’s tons of kids that play down my road and my ally. It’s a cul de sac, and even way before I was one, when I moved here 22 odd years ago, there’s always been loads of kids playing up and down the road. There’s 3 young kids living down my ally alone! One in each of the 3 other flats down this ally. So it’d also of been well bait as to who’s house the drugs came from if found by the parents … one of them I’m cool with and she “knows” and used to do drugs herself, but still don’t want her kid finding them outside her house on the floor … I need to sew up my pockets O.o

    @DaftFader 553639 wrote:

    There’s tons of kids that play down my road and my ally. It’s a cul de sac, and even way before I was one, when I moved here 22 odd years ago, there’s always been loads of kids playing up and down the road. There’s 3 young kids living down my ally alone! One in each of the 3 other flats down this ally. So it’d also of been well bait as to who’s house the drugs came from if found by the parents … one of them I’m cool with and she “knows” and used to do drugs herself, but still don’t want her kid finding them outside her house on the floor … I need to sew up my pockets O.o

    Fair enough mate, lucky you found it again then really, result!

    always remember, only users lose rugs 😉

    I have a highly trained sniffer-newt. He’s called tiny because he’s my newt!






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Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs Anyone have a sniffer dog they can lend me?