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Arturia Moog Modular V v2.5 –

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Arturia Moog Modular V v2.5 –

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  • I just got this cool new vst, I remember us all having a good old natter about moogs the other day so I thought i’d give the big daddo version a whirl. Obviously it sounds great (if I can manage to not pull out a vital wire and forget where it came from) But it is very complex but probably very rewarding. I’m have also encounterd a problem with the calibration between the keys and knobs and where the mouse pointer actually is. I’m having to click nearly an inch below where the actual key or knob is before it hit the target. I have also read about midi mapping problems but I haven’t noticed anything along those lines yet. I think this may be a fruity loops issue because this isn’t a problem when I use it as a standalone vst on the desktop. If anyone wants to give this vst a shot and see if they are getting the same problems as me, That would be great.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Arturia Moog Modular V v2.5 –