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Back up your files!

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Back up your files!

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  • the power supply in my office PC blew up this morning and there might also be a motherboard short-circuit (definite smell of burning printed circuit boards) [1]

    it contained a years worth of finance/accounts data and I’d literally just finished yesterday some work for the year end

    thankfully yesterday I had decided to back up all the databases because of the shady electric power in this village, I had a nasty feeling something was gonna go pear-shaped – but I still had some more admin files on the hard drive that was very recent.. (i.e after the last backups)

    Had a lucky escape as the hard drive was still intact, so I just transferred it to another PC and got the data off it, so its an annoyance more than a disaster but it was definitely not a pleasant moment this morning..

    lots of stuff in my work is on paper anyway but for those of you who have loads of music/pics stored on your PCs (particularly things you created yourself) defo worth making sure its backed up in some form…

    The good news is I got a new PC out of it though 🙂

    [1] yes, it is on a surge protector but TBH I don’t trust the power supplies on some of these PCs (emachines brand), thats the second one blown up in two years…

    General Lighting wrote:
    [1] yes, it is on a surge protector but TBH I don’t trust the power supplies on some of these PCs (emachines brand), thats the second one blown up in two years…

    dont i kno it mate emachines are fuckin wank. ive had to replace my hard drive twice

    Good reminder GL. Dont learn about backups the hard way!

    I backup all my machines almost daily. It saved us when i had to reformat the server cause of a crash.

    Ive lost weeks of work before because i didnt backup.

    I couldn’t live without my backups now. I brought an external hard drive, a Western Digital Mybook (250GB) for about 50 quid I think from eBuyer.

    Also brought Acronis True Image, you guys REALLY wanna check this out, it’s a total God send!

    General Lighting wrote:
    the power supply in my office PC blew up this morning and there might also be a motherboard short-circuit (definite smell of burning printed circuit boards) [1]

    it contained a years worth of finance/accounts data and I’d literally just finished yesterday some work for the year end

    thankfully yesterday I had decided to back up all the databases because of the shady electric power in this village, I had a nasty feeling something was gonna go pear-shaped – but I still had some more admin files on the hard drive that was very recent.. (i.e after the last backups)

    Had a lucky escape as the hard drive was still intact, so I just transferred it to another PC and got the data off it, so its an annoyance more than a disaster but it was definitely not a pleasant moment this morning..

    lots of stuff in my work is on paper anyway but for those of you who have loads of music/pics stored on your PCs (particularly things you created yourself) defo worth making sure its backed up in some form…

    The good news is I got a new PC out of it though 🙂

    [1] yes, it is on a surge protector but TBH I don’t trust the power supplies on some of these PCs (emachines brand), thats the second one blown up in two years…

    I backup religiously even though I’ve not lost data for a while now it wasn’t fun the last time I did. Anyway I’m glad to read you’re intuition saved you from bother GL!

    I have backed up all my files on a cheap drive. But I was wondering about this because this back up drive is never used and therefor is never spinning away.

    Is this a problem in hot weather ?

    Am I being to paranoid ?

    benbear wrote:
    I have backed up all my files on a cheap drive. But I was wondering about this because this back up drive is never used and therefor is never spinning away.

    Is this a problem in hot weather ?

    Am I being to paranoid ?

    Its a sealed unit and they are tested to operate worldwide with all ranges of temperatures. It was probably made virtually down the road from you (well just across the borders in Malaysia..)

    If you’re that worried and the files are important just buy another hard drive, they are cheap as chips these days, and copy the files onto that one as well. You are then just doing a manual version of what is called RAID mirroring..

    I always back up to at least 2 different places [sheer paranoia most of the time but sometimes a real life saver raaa] one a hard disk and the other a dvd or similar media :groucho:

    Have been burnt too many times by PCs self destructing and/or OS wiping drives for no good reason…:crazy: Always backup those files you would get stressed about losing 😉

    Check out for backing up PCs online… unlimited space and the only problem I’ve come across is that they only do C drive…

    Bit of a pain if you wanna backup external drives full of music etc… but worthwhile in the long run for accounts etc…

    Hope this helps people

    The more techie people might want to use rsync for backups. I use it all the time for all my backups. It basically allows you to do incremental backups. This allows me to backup the complete filesystems of all my machines daily… It only takes 10 minutes. Whack it on a daily cron job and your laughing. 100% automated. Supports ssh too. = raaa

    Dr Bunsen wrote:
    I’m glad to read you’re intuition saved you from bother GL!

    GL Backup Sense raaa

    Where can i get a copy ? :laugh_at:

    I have no followup, I just want to say that every time this thread comes up in the list I read the subject as “back up your flies” !

    leveret wrote:
    I have no followup, I just want to say that every time this thread comes up in the list I read the subject as “back up your flies” !

    I’ve had to do this too..

    when I used to work in the Civil Service I wore more formal trousers.

    I also calmed down my lifestyle, particularly the use of amfetamines and started eating decent food, from 2002-2006 this caused my weight to rise from 57 kilos to 67 kilos.

    One day I sat down and found I had burst the front button off my trousers – so I had to watch how I walked to stop my flies bursting open. Worse, it is impossible to find safety pins in the office supplies cupboard as they had been banned due to being “dangerous” (you had to ask a stationery clerk to get them, and I’d have to explain why I wanted them!)

    In the end I had to use a folding bulldog clip to preserve my dignity…

    These days I wear tracksuit bottoms (and watch my weight more closely).

    yes …. well we won’t talk about my sister’s wedding when, hung over after a good party the night before, I picked the wrong suit off the clothes rail and it burst when I got in the car ….






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Back up your files!