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Beginning to Hate my Dreads

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  • my m8 had the same problem … used to fiddle with them all the time and fucked them up .. but he was a rasta so got away with it :laugh_at: …. i think mby you could start caring for them from the roots .. and then let the good dreads grow out the shitty ones mby? .. not sure if that works … but only other ppl i know that wanted to fix dreads went skin head … but they were guys …. tbh i thought your dreads looked pretty sweet i wouldn’t worry about it too much tbh 😉 alltho you really should get a skin head and a swas sticker tat on your head :laugh_at:

    rachus;222081 wrote:
    I’ve hit a point of fury now! I’ve had them nearly 3 yrs and i had them looking proper nice and now iv fucked them all up by just fiddling with them too much and cutting bits off!
    There now all at different lengths and some are young and gay and sum are old and really tight!
    I’ve talked about it with best mate and she has no words of advice for me because she doesnt have dreads! In fact i dont know anyone well who also has dreads to ask them…..

    ….soooo is there anyone out there whos got any advice or help????

    I’m petified of cutting them off, i really dont want it to be an option :cry::cry:
    I’ve kept it quiet for a while now but i really must get some comfort in knowing im not the only one whos had this problem!

    ur problem is pretty clear, dreads r out!

    stinky wrong-ness! :yakk:

    marcusblanc;222272 wrote:
    ur problem is pretty clear, dreads r out!

    ha ha, since when did trinny and suzanne register on partyvibe??

    rachus;222119 wrote:
    there must be someone out there who has dreads too! this is party vibe for christ sake!

    i’ve had dreads three times i think.
    as soon as my hair gets long it starts dreading up.
    other people love em on me but i dont like all the itchiness and fiaffing about that you have to do to keep em looking good.
    i had a full head of dreads for a couple of years and then a few at the back and then a full head again.
    theres too much hassle from cops and customs and general aggro dealing with banks, getting jobs, that kinda thing to make it a worthwhile lifestyle choice imo.
    i prefer to look straight these days because
    life seems a lot easier when people arent judging you on a haircut, rather than who you really are.

    redneck;222314 wrote:
    i’ve had dreads three times i think.
    as soon as my hair gets long it starts dreading up.
    other people love em on me but i dont like all the itchiness and fiaffing about that you have to do to keep em looking good.
    i had a full head of dreads for a couple of years and then a few at the back and then a full head again.
    theres too much hassle from cops and customs and general aggro dealing with banks, getting jobs, that kinda thing to make it a worthwhile lifestyle choice imo.
    i prefer to look straight these days because
    life seems a lot easier when people arent judging you on a haircut, rather than who you really are.

    yeah its really unfortunate that that is life, and how it is alot easier

    its maybe not that your sick of having dreads, but maybe your just sick of having the same hairstyle for the last few years… ive had the same hairtcut for 11years i hate it… so why not try different things, like dyeing them different colours, or wool wrapping loads of them (keeps them protected) or just wearing them up in different ways and things… its always fun to see something different when you look in the mirror, makes you feel better

    Keep your dreads, I’ve had mine for nearly 20 years!! All i do is cut them when they get too long, i once let them get past my bum but they became a right hassel. Now adays i just keep them shoulder lenght.
    Cut out any that are realy tight as they can give you headaches and don’t put too many beads in as they get too heavy and hit you in the face when dancing.
    Couldn’t tell you if mine smell, but no one’s complained!

    What about plaiting in coloured hair extensions where they are very short? Or sewing in preplaited ones – that can look amazing done with a little care. Would give you a bit of a change while you work out what to do with them.
    Saw a girl recently with an amazing looking hairstyle and that was what she had done when I got close up to admire it :shy:

    If you wanted to cut them all off but not have short hair at the end up then cut all the dreads a similar length and go for the lots of conditioner solution – be aware you should start at the bottom teasing them out not the top of the dread to get them out like this [especially if they are very tight to the scalp] and it will take ages to tease them out.

    welly;222370 wrote:
    Cut out any that are realy tight as they can give you headaches

    yeah that ^^
    mine used to give me weeks long, stinking headaches

    rach;222319 wrote:
    ive had the same hairtcut for 11years i hate it…

    And its stayin like that!

    thats what ive dubbed the ‘rach do’ … one day we’ll make millions … open up ”Rach’s cuts” on sunset strip and live it up …

    ill be the loveable rascal barber with all those funny comments they have in shows such as bbc news at 10 and family guy …

    rach;222319 wrote:
    its maybe not that your sick of having dreads, but maybe your just sick of having the same hairstyle for the last few years… ive had the same hairtcut for 11years i hate it… so why not try different things, like dyeing them different colours, or wool wrapping loads of them (keeps them protected) or just wearing them up in different ways and things… its always fun to see something different when you look in the mirror, makes you feel better

    i duno, theyve had soo many different stages, but i do need to get some more wraps as my ones from last year are starting to fall out, guna wait for next pay check and get them sorted out me thinks!

    Right then. Shave ya dreads off, take them to a wig maker and wear ya dread wig when you feel the need to:yakk:

    I’ve never had dreads, but I did have long hair for many years. Best thing I ever did was shave my hair off. I always feel good/refreshed when I shave my head :weee:

    I hope that helped :crazy_diz

    rachus;222440 wrote:
    i duno, theyve had soo many different stages, but i do need to get some more wraps as my ones from last year are starting to fall out, guna wait for next pay check and get them sorted out me thinks!

    do wool wraps yourself, it might on y last a week or so rather than a year but takes like 5 mins to do and only costs the price of a bit of wool, i wool wrap my synthetic dreads when theyre in, i’ll come round and do them for you for a cup of tea

    and DA i’m very glad youve got our future life plan sorted, i was starting to worry… 😉

    rach;222499 wrote:
    do wool wraps yourself, it might on y last a week or so rather than a year but takes like 5 mins to do and only costs the price of a bit of wool, i wool wrap my synthetic dreads when theyre in, i’ll come round and do them for you for a cup of tea

    that would be sound! I’ll go wool shopping wednesday morn! im guna buy a crochet needle too to get these fuckers back in shape!
    what u up to weds afternoon? Iv taken it off work if u wana sip tea and wrap my matted hair with wool?
    how can u resist that offer!!

    rachus;222598 wrote:
    that would be sound! I’ll go wool shopping wednesday morn! im guna buy a crochet needle too to get these fuckers back in shape!
    what u up to weds afternoon? Iv taken it off work if u wana sip tea and wrap my matted hair with wool?
    how can u resist that offer!!

    yeh sounds really good, i’ll give you a call about it tomoro darling!






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Forums Life Body Art Beginning to Hate my Dreads