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  • @Izbeckistan 503414 wrote:

    Similarly the quran was the ramblings of a sex offender.

    Hahahaha, I reckon you may have just incited the first ever jihad against a website! Quick, get Dr B to change the name to BurkaVibe!

    I dont understand….

    @Tank Girl 503454 wrote:

    I dont understand….

    Gtek p0ly gax and I had the longest ever thread on facebook. Shit was crazy!

    Oh and loggy of course

    who’s page?


    Ah I will go have a look now

    Ah I dont seem to have him any more, prob me deciding to delete FB when drunk and deleting people and then changing my mind, ops!

    We’ve all done it. I just came tp the conclusion that not conforming requires to much effort.
    My biggest problem with fb is that you try not to add anoying people but you get these requests from family members and old aquaintenses and you know if you dont add them its going to cause problems. You then add them to keep the peave and get these stupid status updates and group requests to stop people using dogs as shark bate and you think…fucking pish man.

    Im a bit drunk :s

    lol, I do it all the time, decided I’m gonna stop it and delete people and then get distracted or summat and wake up the next day and ave loads of people missing!!

    I did however delete my own dad as I didnt like some of the stuff he was posting, I took him back on certain ground rules! !

    I also tend to delete people (even really close friends ) if we’ve not used FB to talk as I usually see people or talk to them in real life or on here or other forums so always have contact with people I like and know – I dont accept random requests – hense finding out who you were before I accepted 😛

    but dont remeber deleting gaz!

    Hes not called gaz on there its some forign text..possibly bulgarian. Begins with an x.

    @Izbeckistan 503550 wrote:

    Hes not called gaz on there its some forign text..possibly bulgarian. Begins with an x.

    yeh he changed it – I’ll have to search and put another (humble) request in!

    yay 🙂

    @Izbeckistan 503414 wrote:

    Similarly the quran was the ramblings of a sex offender.

    Judging past events and especially people by your local current social standards is a very shallow thing to do.

    I must admit, I do stupid things too sometimes. As I live in a glass house I don’t throw stones.

    But I would point out that the “victim” in your eyes was quite happy to have the Prophet buried on the spot where he died, in her bed, some 40 years or more after he was “betrothed” to her in child hood. I don’t think she (Ayesha) saw herself as a victim at that point in time.

    @Pat McDonald 503722 wrote:

    Judging past events and especially people by your local current social standards is a very shallow thing to do.

    I must admit, I do stupid things too sometimes. As I live in a glass house I don’t throw stones.

    But I would point out that the “victim” in your eyes was quite happy to have the Prophet buried on the spot where he died, in her bed, some 40 years or more after he was “betrothed” to her in child hood. I don’t think she (Ayesha) saw herself as a victim at that point in time.

    Some people fall in love with their abusers.
    I understand social standards change but moral awareness doesnt and fucking a nine (i think) year old is wrong.






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Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion beware the toast ghost !