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Biometric Passport

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  • govern = control
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    government = mind control

    spangle wrote:
    As for the passport I managed to drop it under someone’s foot, what an idiot..

    Ooops clumsy u 😉

    spangle wrote:
    I have that problem all the time, am on my 6th bank card atm n need a new one again they break way too easy! Was a bit embarrassing went to pay for some fags on card the other day n the guy behind the counter stood there wiping the powder off the chip coz it wouldn’t work, I then produced a rolled up note n powder fell out of that too I don’t think he was very impressed!

    As for the passport I managed to drop it under someone’s foot, what an idiot..

    hahaha thats happened to me a few times … i was so close to giving my new driving instructor my driving lisence that was covered in powder residue .. you couldn’t even see my face i had to quickly wipe it b4 she took it lol .. looked at me a bit funny .. but not as funny as she would of if she had seen the powder :laugh_at:






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Biometric Passport