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  • DJCliffy;322688 wrote:
    I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Vista. :/

    That will be mostly from people trying to run the 32 bit version. The 64bit version is pretty damn stable and you no longer care that it needs 2 gigs of RAM if you can stick 16 gigs in the machine.

    elretardo87;322713 wrote:
    That will be mostly from people trying to run the 32 bit version. The 64bit version is pretty damn stable and you no longer care that it needs 2 gigs of RAM if you can stick 16 gigs in the machine.

    Its far from just a stability issue

    Criticism of Windows Vista – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    photographthesun;322599 wrote:
    If the message comes up before windows starts to load its probably the BIOS, Basic Input/Output System.

    If theres lines and lines of code or numbers dont bother with that just the english and short codes. Try searchin in google etc, and if you have made any recent changes to the system its probably related to that. Unfortunatly I know sod all about vista (other than its bollox and i cant wait to format and install XP).

    forgot to have a look didnt i, rubbish. 🙁
    Its happened since i moved house, so not sure if ive knocked something inside it loose.
    It doesnt beep either as far as i could hear…

    @djprocess 322731 wrote:

    forgot to have a look didnt i, rubbish. 🙁
    Its happened since i moved house, so not sure if ive knocked something inside it loose.
    It doesnt beep either as far as i could hear…

    These are usually logged in the Event Viewer. Just press start and type it in the search.

    In the middle, look for “Summary of Admin Events”, look for one under crtitical. Click and and the event should come up. Make note of the the Event ID. Then post it here. Also if you double click that entry loads of jargen will pop up, look for the error code “0x0000398548” or something like that. Post them all!

    As for the beeps Daft, wouldn’t they only do that if there was a Hardware failure preventing boot?

    Oh another thing. If it happens again, reapeat the above, just to make sure it’s the same thing. Also make a note of what you were doing on the computer. For example, loading a big application, playing a game ect. Could even be something more subtle.

    As for that article Photographthesun, how much of that is up to date? I have barely any issues with Vista. Well, about the same I do with XP. Im running 32bit too. Wish I could run 64bit but my network card drivers don’t support it!

    I think people are too quick to slate Vista without even using it. I was one of them. I switched to vista, then back to XP after about 6 months. A month later Vista again. The filing system is so much more responsive and the live search in the start menu is brilliant. Not to mention Aero looks fantastic too.

    That’s to name a few, there are plenty more pros. I play games alot and they work fine. I’ll bet most people that complain have old systems that struggle to run a bulkier OS. But considering hardware is cheaper for the same bang as a few years ago, it’s not exactly a con. I use alot of software and everything I use works perfectly on Vista, no compatibility issues as of yet, i doubt there will be. Vista is mainstream now, so there shouldn’t be anyone designing anything without Vista compatibility.

    Only bad thing I have noticed is the slow boot up time, however my system is on 24/7 anyway so makes no difference to me. Even if I didn’t it’d be a small thorn.

    Dom_sufc;322744 wrote:
    These are usually logged in the Event Viewer. Just press start and type it in the search

    windows doesnt even start up. computer goes to the blue screen and error probably about 10seconds after turning it on… ill post the error up here tomo. 🙁

    @djprocess 322748 wrote:

    windows doesnt even start up. computer goes to the blue screen and error probably about 10seconds after turning it on… ill post the error up here tomo. 🙁

    Oops I can’t read, sorry.

    Dom_sufc;322744 wrote:
    As for the beeps Daft, wouldn’t they only do that if there was a Hardware failure preventing boot?

    yeah was just ruling that out … don’t think you get blue screen with that tho

    try pushing all your compnents back into the mother board to make sure they are plugged in propperly

    DaftFader;322769 wrote:
    try pushing all your compnents back into the mother board to make sure they are plugged in propperly

    ill give that ago tonight.. fingers crossed.

    This could be because of two major reasons, either there is a fault with your m/board, ram or your windows installation has got some virus in it. The best way to deal with it is — keep pressing f8 when you switch the system on, a screen with some option will appear. Now select “Last known configuration that worked” from the menu using the arrow keys. Now restart. If there was a problem with your windows, it should go now. If it is a hardware error (less likely though) … you will have to go through the hit and trial method to figure out what is wrong.

    swish;322819 wrote:
    This could be because of two major reasons, either there is a fault with your m/board, ram or your windows installation has got some virus in it. The best way to deal with it is — keep pressing f8 when you switch the system on, a screen with some option will appear. Now select “Last known configuration that worked” from the menu using the arrow keys. Now restart. If there was a problem with your windows, it should go now. If it is a hardware error (less likely though) … you will have to go through the hit and trial method to figure out what is wrong.

    nice one, cheers for that and welcome to PV! :love:

    Dom_sufc;322747 wrote:
    As for that article Photographthesun, how much of that is up to date? I have barely any issues with Vista. Well, about the same I do with XP. Im running 32bit too. Wish I could run 64bit but my network card drivers don’t support it!

    I think people are too quick to slate Vista without even using it. I was one of them. I switched to vista, then back to XP after about 6 months. A month later Vista again. The filing system is so much more responsive and the live search in the start menu is brilliant. Not to mention Aero looks fantastic too.

    That’s to name a few, there are plenty more pros. I play games alot and they work fine. I’ll bet most people that complain have old systems that struggle to run a bulkier OS. But considering hardware is cheaper for the same bang as a few years ago, it’s not exactly a con. I use alot of software and everything I use works perfectly on Vista, no compatibility issues as of yet, i doubt there will be. Vista is mainstream now, so there shouldn’t be anyone designing anything without Vista compatibility.

    Only bad thing I have noticed is the slow boot up time, however my system is on 24/7 anyway so makes no difference to me. Even if I didn’t it’d be a small thorn.

    The point with vista really is what is the advantage to upgradeing? becuase its not cheap, and this contuined upgrade spiral is a rather good way to make money. Theres lots of reasons not too upgrade as mentiond in the site, but as you say, vista will work. Theres no major problems bug wise as far as im aware (althoug from personal experance there are lots of little issues). I guess it looks a bit nicer. *shrugs* for me its the old if it aint broke dont fix it, plus more bugs, plus less supportd products, plus it will just slow down your system in a number of ways. Ugh god I dont care achally. Wheres the whiskey..

    forgot again. im rubbish. 🙁

    @photographthesun 322900 wrote:

    The point with vista really is what is the advantage to upgradeing? becuase its not cheap, and this contuined upgrade spiral is a rather good way to make money. Theres lots of reasons not too upgrade as mentiond in the site, but as you say, vista will work. Theres no major problems bug wise as far as im aware (althoug from personal experance there are lots of little issues). I guess it looks a bit nicer. *shrugs* for me its the old if it aint broke dont fix it, plus more bugs, plus less supportd products, plus it will just slow down your system in a number of ways. Ugh god I dont care achally. Wheres the whiskey..

    Firstly I have never paid for a piece of software, so I never factored in cost hehe.

    Secondly, as for the compatibility, is on par with XP. Anyone having issues is probably using some old obscure program which isn’t updated anymore meaning there is probably something out there to surpass whatever it is it was meant to do.

    Thirdly, and to reiterate an earlier point, the “slow down” by Vista is relative when you compare to XP really. What XP needs to run smooth cost, say, X amount 4 years ago. That same smoothness can be achieved for the same price on Vista, however that will be equal to a few more gig of RAM ect.

    Still, for a basic user, XP is fine really. Like cars, some people don’t drive enough to give a fuck about what they are driving, so same applies to computers, which is fine 🙂






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Blue Screen of Death