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  • Breaking bad is pretty sweet, but it’s going to end after the next season after walts brother realises he’s the one cooking all the meth as it is coming back onto the streets more pure then anything on the streets and in blue.. Wile Walter has a mountain of money that will last over ten life times and that they can’t launder, or would take for ever to do so

    I like it now I have given it a proper chance, bit silly but its good. Onto season 2 now gonna go through the lot.

    @LysergicAcid 509460 wrote:

    Breaking bad is pretty sweet, but it’s going to end after the next season after walts brother realises he’s the one cooking all the meth as it is coming back onto the streets more pure then anything on the streets and in blue.. Wile Walter has a mountain of money that will last over ten life times and that they can’t launder, or would take for ever to do so

    Nice one.. great fucking spoiler you noob

    I watched the end of s3 yesterday as i was at the end, i was pleasantly surprised actually… seems like s4 is gonna be good i reckon!

    I got a few eps into S2 and cant seem to get the inspiration to watch anymore. Will probably go back to it.

    the show is fucking stupid though, if you just think about it logically for a second none of it really adds up… seems like rich people don’t bother spending money at all, they just work and have horribly stressful lifestyles risking death at every turn even though they could live like kings somewhere nice for the rest of their lives safely.

    @p0ly 512692 wrote:

    the show is fucking stupid though, if you just think about it logically for a second none of it really adds up… seems like rich people don’t bother spending money at all, they just work and have horribly stressful lifestyles risking death at every turn even though they could live like kings somewhere nice for the rest of their lives safely.

    what do you mean mate I dont get it

    watch breaking bad? dumb show logically..?

    @p0ly 512703 wrote:

    watch breaking bad? dumb show logically..?

    so far its been rather implausible; more plausible than batman however. So far it seems just in the relms of possibility most of the time (although rather unlikely).

    bro it gets stupider. pretty well for a guy that just lost his legs. also apart from hank there seems no be pretty much zero police presence in this show, people getting shot and killed all the time yet the police never seem to be there or they’re always so late you never see them at all.

    @p0ly 512713 wrote:

    bro it gets stupider. pretty well for a guy that just lost his legs. also apart from hank there seems no be pretty much zero police presence in this show, people getting shot and killed all the time yet the police never seem to be there or they’re always so late you never see them at all.

    I ain’t seen far enough ahead to know of any leg loss. The bit I saw where he blew up the dealers house then sat in his car seemed rather far fetched. That was back in S1.

    I thought that tuco scene was ridiculous! i mean you see tuco kill one of his good mates for just saying ‘REMEMBER WHO’S BOSS’ but he doesn’t kill an old man who almost blew him up


    I do agree it’s no 1984; reading is so much better. Must read more; note to self.

    Do you remember Jerrick from Symmetry?

    Up ph? bác nè, chúc bác thÃ*nh công






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Breaking Bad.