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breast milk ice cream

Forums Life Food & Drink breast milk ice cream

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  • @Kung Fu Fader 430765 wrote:

    I was saing to someone yesterday – It’s strange how humans have no problem drinking milk from a big slobbering cow but from another human it’s considered gross by most people.

    it cause its not concidered to be ‘proper’, we still live in a draconian world, like a jane austin novel lol, were all early evolution traits we have should be supressed. In the western world its concidered ‘barbaric’to eat insects, its no different to us eating kebab, execpt we dont know what kebabs are made of….so i say fuck yea, boobie milk would be wicked….but like i said holly willowboobie would be a good source lol

    I like my milk from cows, although I wasn’t weaned off mum’s milk until the age of 4 :O

    know a place that serves cocktails with breast milk in… just always wonder what typeof person sells their breast milk……

    @cheeseweasel 421386 wrote:

    Where do they get the milk from? Is it just some pregnant bird trying to make a quick buck or is there some sort of illicit lady farming industry going on to supply this market?

    Sounds silly! but maybe it is. LOL! 😀

    Can’t get my head around this, read in a magazine a few weeks back about a young Mum feeding her mother breast milk because she had cancer. All very good until it showed her doing the feeding directly from the breast. Freaked out :/

    Lol, what an idea. Sounds gimmicky tho.

    @mai 446107 wrote:

    just always wonder what typeof person sells their breast milk……

    well one guess is women?? lol sorry couldnt resist :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    however seriously loads of women sell it –

    but usually to special care hospitals for babies in the units

    groooooss. everything to do with breast milk and such makes me want to vom. why anyone would want to eat it is just beyond me.

    @hat 447185 wrote:

    groooooss. everything to do with breast milk and such makes me want to vom. why anyone would want to eat it is just beyond me.

    Do you drink cow’s milk?

    of course, not the same as drinking some random woman’s breast milk, eeww.

    @hat 447259 wrote:

    of course, not the same as drinking some random woman’s breast milk, eeww.

    dunno – could be quite erotic

    this sucks… Breast milk is for baby only. LOL!

    People are weird. I’m sure they try to claim some sort of benefit being breast milk and all. I’ve heard that breast milk is kind of sweet. My wife just had a baby 6 weeks ago and I’m not the least bit curious of the taste. No thanks.

    @Tank Girl 447263 wrote:

    dunno – could be quite erotic

    oh it’s all coming out now TG, eh? 😀

    i personally see nothing erotic about drinking another woman’s breast milk.

    Well now lets see – there is of course the fact that human milk proteins are shorter and more suited to the human digestive system as we dont have the 7 stomachs required to break down bovine milk effectively – hows is that for starters? :crazy_fre






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Forums Life Food & Drink breast milk ice cream