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Breivick Trial. World of warcraft??

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Breivick Trial. World of warcraft??

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    Sorry i must be living under a rock, what the fuck happen exactly? Completely confused at the video…

    @YoungOne 476899 wrote:

    Sorry i must be living under a rock, what the fuck happen exactly? Completely confused at the video…

    kill 77 people, bombed a building and then went on a shooting spree on an actvity camp for kids. situated on a small island in oslo norway. Google him.

    Burn in hell

    the situation is a lot darker than this.

    Pissed off people with guns shoot up places all the time in countries where guns and ammo are easily available (its happened in the USA as you would expect but also in certain European countries) but usually its a individual with a simple grudge. Even the 1995 shootings of infant school children in Scotland (which led to greater control on guns across the UK) was because the shooter was a nonce but had been detected and his activities to get close to kids thwarted.

    The events in Norway were a deliberate act of war against left wing politics, right at the heart of it, the youth wing. it wasn’t just any youth camp.

    Norway (I didn’t know this until it all happened) still has socialist youth camps like very left wing countries did in the 1980s! We have remnants of this here in the UK environmental movement but its also fragmented alongside single issues rather than a wider umbrella of left wing activism. There are also right wing youth camps like the one they had at Groningen in NL to celebrate Hitler, I found a TV-report on it whilst practising my Dutch. What was chilling is that the young men were prepared to say to the reporters (in standard Dutch and not even the odd local dialect spoken there) why they felt it was their right under EU free speech laws to celebrate Hitler. They were all about our age group, teens to early 40s.

    Now I don’t play nor understand these life simulation games or first person shooters as much as younger folk here do, but what he is alleging is that he used this game (and some others) to plan the attacks and how to shoot properly as its hard to train to shoot at people unless you are in the Army. I’m not sure how much of what he says about the computer games is true and whether its also another strategy to get these things censored but this is just the tip of a iceberg. A undeclared civil war about stuff like race/multiculturalism/migration exists across Europe, its been bubbling under since my generation were teenagers and has got worse recently since economic depression.

    Jesus, its these things that make me just want to isolate myself from society. How stupid.

    I’ve not been able to follow that vid properly because of ketamine and the difficulty picking out the voice I’m supposed to be listening to with the translations ..

    Surely anyone mental enough to do what that guy did would use any way of “practicing” available?

    I mean I hate WOW but even so I don’t blame it for this .. it’s the guys fault for being a total nut job.

    @DaftFader 476971 wrote:

    I’ve not been able to follow that vid properly because of ketamine and the difficulty picking out the voice I’m supposed to be listening to with the translations ..

    Surely anyone mental enough to do what that guy did would use any way of “practicing” available?

    I mean I hate WOW but even so I don’t blame it for this .. it’s the guys fault for being a total nut job.

    top quality ket innit brah

    @DaftFader 476971 wrote:

    I’ve not been able to follow that vid properly because of ketamine and the difficulty picking out the voice I’m supposed to be listening to with the translations ..[/quote]

    not played it back with sound myself but wouldn’t be surprised if it started out in Norweigian and has had Russian dubbed onto it. As sadly my knowledge of both these languages is minimal (i’d probably pick out Norweigian first) I would struggle with that stone cold sober. Might actually keep the soundtrack for later reference, was going to learn the Scandinavian languages at some point.

    Surely anyone mental enough to do what that guy did would use any way of “practicing” available?

    I mean I hate WOW but even so I don’t blame it for this .. it’s the guys fault for being a total nut job.

    exactly, but the harsh reality is that although we might understandably judge him as “stupid” or a “nut job” because what he did was so abhorrent, he was very intelligent, focused and resourceful, adapting freely available resources to carry out restricted forms of military training. he is being very manipulative and letting on to his tactics in Court only to try and “inspire” the knuckledragger types to learn tactics from him, as unfortunately he has a lot of support on the right wing, although many distance themselves from wanting to go out and kill, this is because humans by and large are reasonable and don’t go around killing each other, so soldiers etc need to be trained. (this is fairly well known amongst those who have a interest in military history).

    realstically I don’t think liberal nations will be able to blame or censor WOW just on this, nor could they stop anyone building their own first person shooter or even the specialised gun he constructed (to make it more like firing a real one) as someone could create it on a stand alone PC and no one would know, but even in Court this guy is trying to take as many down with him as possible.

    BTW if folk my age group seem a bit “serious” about this sort of thing its because we’ve been through it before. People have been hurt and killed even in comparatively safe Blighty.

    also chaps like him eat away at freedom. Feds might have kittens if they were monitoring my download stream sometimes, loads of stuff in North European languages and also about cases like this. the online police are based at metpol and yorkshire and wouldn’t have much info on me other than a outdated TVP intelligence file from the 90s which would have my old home address in Reading. its pretty obvious I do not support EDL nor Muslim extremism, and am very anti tihis sort of violence, but because Breivik has claimed to also have used the Muslim extremists as inspiration as well it means anyone keeping “potentially dangerous” info could be watched.

    PS: don’t want to be excessively finicky about spellling but I’ve corrected this one as it said “trail” and last thing any of us want here are hard right nuts thinking his saved game or route is shown on here! (maybe WOW doesn’t work like that)

    it’s not even an fps game … that’s what I don’t really understand.

    @DaftFader 477235 wrote:

    it’s not even an fps game … that’s what I don’t really understand.

    Yeah the whole WOW thing was him saying he had devoted allot of time to computer games and was having trouble telling the diffrence between real like and computer games. He says he played modern warfare 2 to practice target acquisition. particularly the second level “No Russain” where you join the terrorist group and walk through an airport slaughtering innocent people. He also says he spent 2000 euros on a holographic sight for his assualt rifle be3cause it was the the same one he used in MW2.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Breivick Trial. World of warcraft??