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BT home hubs

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  • anyone got one?

    how do i turn the wireless off on it?

    I’m assuming that first you are already connected to the router by a network cable..

    I have made a foolish mistake before and reconfigured a router (some distance away) with my wireless laptop, changed the wireless settings, and then wondered why I couldn’t get back into the network :laugh_at:(its a good thing I always keep a spare network cable in my laptop bag)

    access this address in your browser

    you will get a BT screen and a page saying “my broadband connection”

    At the left hand side are various links, click on the one marked “Advanced”

    A “warning” screen will come up called “Advanced configuration” – click on “Continue to advanced” at the bottom of this

    You will probably get asked for the admin user ID password of your router – enter this and the next page will be marked

    “Wireless Access Point – BTHomeHub-E104 Configuration”

    The first box below it will be marked

    “interface enabled *: ” with a checkbox

    uncheck this and click “Apply”, that should shut down your WLAN, whilst cabled devices should still function.

    and i was going to post saying turn it off and back on again …

    all this tech lingo … maybe i should go to i.t night classes or something

    thanks GL

    and yes, i’m using cable.. and i’m tight, so i don’t want the neighbours rinsing the wireless


    can anyone help?

    GL, despite your helpful advice i never did switch off the wireless

    now i’m stuck. trying to add a laptop to the network, but am unable to

    the Hub manager says there are no devices detected

    the laptop sas that the wireless isn’t broadcasting

    any suggestions very welcome

    globalloon wrote:
    thanks GL

    and yes, i’m using cable.. and i’m tight, so i don’t want the neighbours rinsing the wireless

    Couldn’t you just password your wireless? Our home network has an access key you need to get onto it…….. would that not be easyer?

    first of all I’d check to see that the wireless is actually enabled, firstly on the laptop (some have a “wireless on/off” switch on the case which is easy to knock by mistake)

    check if you can whether the wireless kit on the laptop can receive any other nearby networks (you don’t need to connect to them, just see if they are there which would prove the wireless on the laptop is actually working)

    also if you did look at any of the router admin screens then check them again to ensure you haven’t managed to turn off the wireless on the router (the “interface enabled” box should still have a tick in it).

    once you are sure the router has wireless enabled make sure this setting is applied then restart the device (by powering it on and off again)

    and try to connect once more..

    think i worked it out… the WLAN card is disconnected. where is it?????:crazy:

    globalloon wrote:
    think i worked it out… the WLAN card is disconnected. where is it?????:crazy:

    depends on the laptop. some models don’t actually have it as standard and it is an extra module which has to be obtained separately inserted into the computer (where it is varies from make to make!)

    Check for the switch though to make sure it hasn’t been switched off (I think the switch is there so you can use the laptop in planes where radio equipment is otherwise banned)

    if you don’t actually have a WLAN card in the computer (and they are expensive as they are customised to each laptop) you might have to get a separate one (you can get USB or PC card ones for laptops)


    it was definately included in the package and now i can’t find it anywhere. it’s not in the slot… the machine is picking up the adaptor but no the card…

    there is no button

    i bet it was tucked away somewhere in the packaging, which is now at the recycle centre

    what a pain in my arse

    ok, urgent advice needed

    i’ve been trying to set up a network again and now my pc won’t connect to the net, although it says it it is connected (when i open a web browser it just tries to connect through WAN miniport)… when i look at my connections it shows all connections connected


    (i’m writing this via laptop… i want my pc back online)

    edit… ignore… it’s sorted, sort of






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