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Forums Drugs Ketamine Buy Ketamine Online

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  • @omegachemist 975689 wrote:

    hahaha so many people dislike ket now for meth but all the.same it depends on quality in production ..omegachemist solutions

    The ketamine we were getting in the UK during the late 90s/2000s (it was not even a controlled substance in UK until around 2006) was normally of perfectly decent quality; if it wasn’t diverted directly from human pharm supplies it was from the vet supplies which are just as good as what humans get. Very occasionally a combination of tiletamine + some benzos (intended for smaller pets such as cats and dogs; which are often frightened by the ketamine experience) ended up on the unlicensed markets; it wasn’t particularly fun for recreational use by humans.

    in the UK and Asian countries with close cultural links to the UK (such as Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore) ketamines accepted legal use meant it was easy to divert/import – even if you got caught penalties were minor (compared to other drugs where there was a risk of long prison sentences and in Asia even the death penalty).

    Unfortunately it soon became apparent that psychological addiction and tolerance to large amounts arrived quite quickly – long term use has serious and sometimes irreversible effects on the human body; especially the genitourinary system.

    Previously fit, healthy young people were going down with medical conditions normally only seen in senior citizens aged 80-100 and having to have the same levels of treatment. Others got themselves into chaotic lifestyles, mental health problems and patterns of polydrug abuse; people I know have wrecked their lives/bodies from the stuff; some even committed suicide.

    Not surprisingly the domestic and global regulations/enforcement levels with regard to ketamine distribution were tightened up – no country in the world wants its young population to destroy itself nor to be by other nations as a “narcostate” in a globalised world where every nation is dependent to some extent on others. So cops/govts worked across borders to ensure the distribution of ketamine is limited (as much as it can be) to the legitimate pharm trade.

    It was only after this that other stims became popular again; although meth as in methamfetamine has never been that popular in the UK and Europe compared to USA and Asia.

    Methylone, mephedrone (sometimes spelt as methedrone but less common) and other subsituted cathinones did become popular in some European countries as they had less legal penalties than MDMA and could be sold legally online and even in shops but it didn’t take long before binge use caused problems in very recent times many countries have classed them as “controlled substance/hard drugs/new psychoactive substance ” rather than just a random chemical mix like solvents or WC cleaner.

    Something to beware of today is laws about drugs especially within a country can change within months or weeks rather than years. These of course affect what you can legally import or export across national borders and whether or not it is wise to offer services importing/exporting various substances without being 100% sure if the trade is legal at both ends.


    OmegaChemist to all its not a good experience to get caught in the street ,but if you stay discrete and prove your clear you will be attended to safely online.

    they dont sell or buy here however Omega Chemist got the reliable services online check out its dot com and buy

    @mark2015 976566 wrote:

    they dont sell or buy here however Omega Chemist got the reliable services online check out its dot com and buy

    They don’t sell or buy here but check out a members site that I’ve just 2 seconds previously said I’m not allowed to do is a very fucing dumb post to make is it not my firedd (BIG FUCKING FACEPALM)

    @jimmyblugger 536889 wrote:

    Ket is a fucking stupid drug, don’t do it!

    Ketamine is a great drug its just idiots like you dont no how to yous it. its a personal drug to be taking with close freinds or by yourself, to explore a world.
    peopke like you are just to week minded. learn to do things properly.

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