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Forums Drugs Buying Drugs in London

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  • O-D;311408 wrote:
    Find me where it says that in their ToS please?

    I had a pizza that was 30 mins late before, and the guy said that the ‘free pizza’ thing is an urban myth.
    I had a gander about about the internet, and I can’t find definite proof either.

    It’s an American thing ain’t it? I’ve never heard that being applied over here before.

    O-D;311408 wrote:
    Find me where it says that in their ToS please?

    I had a pizza that was 30 mins late before, and the guy said that the ‘free pizza’ thing is an urban myth.
    I had a gander about about the internet, and I can’t find definite proof either.

    it was a premotion they were doing ages ago iirc … they allways used to come within 30 mins tho ..

    @DJCliffy 311409 wrote:

    It’s an American thing ain’t it? I’ve never heard that being applied over here before.

    So if I called up a Pizza Hut in America and they take longer than 20 minutes to deliver it to England, I get the pizza free right?

    Holeydel;311478 wrote:
    So if I called up a Pizza Hut in America and they take longer than 20 minutes to deliver it to England, I get the pizza free right?

    imagine some crazy pizza guy on a moped driving through parks trying to get the pizza delivered on time!:bounce_fl

    Holeydel;311478 wrote:
    So if I called up a Pizza Hut in America and they take longer than 20 minutes to deliver it to England, I get the pizza free right?

    You could try i suppose.

    @p0lygon-Window 311484 wrote:

    imagine some crazy pizza guy on a moped driving through parks trying to get the pizza delivered on time!:bounce_fl

    They exists – we call them ’16 year olds with a CBT license’

    Holeydel;311500 wrote:
    They exists – we call them ’16 year olds with a CBT license’


    All sorted, friggin expensive but sorted.






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Viewing 8 posts - 46 through 53 (of 53 total)
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Forums Drugs Buying Drugs in London