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CN : Chinese female hackers group (with pics)

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology CN : Chinese female hackers group (with pics)

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  • if this is what Chinese female hackers look like, it is a big incentive to learn Chinese 😉


      Beautiful girls

      It’s funny because I think a lot of people think about hackers as really nerds..


      Was told by my daughter that I have started in “nerd school” trying to be a web-integrator..and she expected me to look like one when I was done :laugh_at:

      the only place where (some) IT people really look like that is actually America because they are expected to, and sometimes the teachers of IT subjects…

      I’ve noticed its often only English and some (not all) European girls who have technophobia – many Asian girls seem perfectly happy to learn about technology (as well as many Scots and Welsh girls).

      When I worked in the Civil Service there were loads of Indian and Pakistani female IT workers, and they told me that when the go to mosque or temple there is some IT class for the girls only – this is done so the young men (who are sent elsewhere to do scout-type / sports activities) do not boast and try to intimidate them.

      and even American girls are way more clued up about tech than Europe, a lot of the blogs/tech sites I read are written by female reporters and engineers…






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    Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology CN : Chinese female hackers group (with pics)