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  • Right, I own a Lenovo G505 with 1Tb hard drive, 4Gb ram. I should say I have two of these laptops, one has extensive damage to the screen and I don’t really think I can be arsed to fix it as this one (the one I’m on currently) is far superior.

    I want to upgrade the ram, I know the G505 is capable of running up to 16Gb of RAM, but I can’t afford that sort of thing as they’re over £200 and I’m poor.

    The G505 has two RAM ports, with one already housing the 4Gb card that comes as standard, now, as I mentioned I have another laptop, which being a carbon copy also has a 4Gb RAM card, of the same specs, the same make and yadda yadda, What I wanna know is will I be able to transfer the card from the broken unit to this working unit without causing running issues?

    Any help on this would be really appreciated.

    Absolutely you can my friend. Being the same laptops they should have exactly the same RAM, rated zt exactly the same clock speed. Swapping RAM is a piece of piss aw well.

    The only problem you would potentially have is if the RAM were rated at 2 different clock speeds (say one 1333Mhz and one 1666Mhz) then the only thing that would happen is the OS would underclock the faster RAM to match the speed of the slower RAM but even in that case you have much more RAM, far offsetting ay slowdown caused by the slower clock speed.

    Ahhh wicked man, I shall give it a go in a bit and let you know if it was a success or if I blew up in a cloud of lithium and ginger hair hahahah

    Sweet :). RAM in laptops is normally held in by a tiny clip but you should have no problems at all bud.

    I just found a video on youtube, the G505 is REALLY easy to mod, apart from the graphics card which unfortunately is integrated with the something or other. There are only 2 screws holding the belly pan on, the it just ‘pulls’ toward you and your in, so to say. The RAM i in a really cool little brace sort of thing which just pops up on a hinged spring thingy….Now just gonna find where I left the broken unit :oh_god:

    Awesome, you’ll have zero problems doing that bud, have done it many times. Many times the RAM is housed under a smaller piece of the body thatn having to take the entire bottom of the laptop off but that is certainly ot always the case.

    one oddity I encountered (a few years ago) was two chips with the same specs (clock speed etc); from same distributors, only difference was one made in Korea and the other in Singapore.

    If the KR one was put into first slot (0) and the SG chip in the slot Bank (1) the machine would not boot at all.

    It would only work if the SG chip was in 0 and the KR in 1 ; and thereafter worked perfectly.

    then again they say across SE Asia that “Singaporeans can’t stand it if they are not first at everything”, they even have a word for it called “kiasu”


    Subsequently, I can’t find the other laptop, I think it might be in the loft. But as I explained in another thread, I ain’t go up there fo shit.

    @General Lighting 978037 wrote:

    one oddity I encountered (a few years ago) was two chips with the same specs (clock speed etc); from same distributors, only difference was one made in Korea and the other in Singapore.

    If the KR one was put into first slot (0) and the SG chip in the slot Bank (1) the machine would not boot at all.

    It would only work if the SG chip was in 0 and the KR in 1 ; and thereafter worked perfectly.

    then again they say across SE Asia that “Singaporeans can’t stand it if they are not first at everything”, they even have a word for it called “kiasu”


    WOW, never heard of anything like that before GL, very strange. Only problemms I remember were physical differences in the form pf the RAM between DDR1/DDR2/DDR3 etc

    Well, I’m alive and my laptop now has double the rammage body.

    Awesome, well done buddy.

    @tryptameanie 978040 wrote:

    WOW, never heard of anything like that before GL, very strange. Only problemms I remember were physical differences in the form pf the RAM between DDR1/DDR2/DDR3 etc

    I had never encountered such a thing before (in 30+ years of working with various electronic components) nor come across it again; although its now rare to find individual components like that made in Singapore these days. It has a more affluent but older population and their electronics companies increasingly now design advanced custom systems rather than low margin consumer grade equipment.

    I would not be surprised if an engineer in SG (most likely someone who was going to take their early retirement) did add some extra components as a prank to a small batch of chips knowing the production would shift to Korea anyway and that it was harmless (I was still using the same system unit [built in the early 2000s] fairly recently as a test rig for small telephone exchange software…






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Confused as fook