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  • right i got me crossover bolted in the amp rack it looks dead posh n that. now i sort of got an idea what it does but no idea what the knobs n buttons do. it says hi, mid and low alot so that makes sence.
    theres lots of xlr ports also saying stuff like low n that.

    what do i do with it can i twiddle stuff n just stick random stuff in it rtill it makes noise or blows up? or should i just take it back n get my money back?

    Mr AHC – you crack me up sometimes with your posts…You should have asked when you were down my way…I could have showed you how they work.

    First question, two way or three way (are you gonna use bass mid and hi, or just bass and mid/hi)??

    Second question, do you have separate amps for each of the above, or are you using half and amp for bass , half for tops etc.

    Third question, what Xover is it, can you photograph the front and back?

    I’ll probably be gazumped by the proper engineers on here (Raj. Elrat, B-Tech etc ) but I would be happy to give you a dumbed down version….:crazy_diz

    dumbed down is best coz all the crap i’ve read on the net dont say “twiddle that knob coz that does that” you need 10 years at med school to understand all thats wrote on the net.

    got a 2.4kw amp for bass & a 1.5 kw amp for mid/top the 1.5 amp is prone to cuting out when under a heavy load & i’m getting feedback through the bass so i’ve shoved a crossover in.

    its a beringer cx 3400 that i’m gona run 2 way for now

    think i’ve got a very bacic idea from just looking at it but when it comes to htz, delay, db ect i’m stumped. bacicly i know what the gain knob does lol

    Sounds like you’ve got it pretty sussed.

    If you are running two way then it will be stereo, so you’ll need to go in from your mixer both sides.

    Then from the bass out left and Right to your big amp channel one/A and channel two/B

    I would set your crossover point at around 120Hz (again, the pros might disagree)…

    You should have a master gain and a bass gain, I tend to go for about three quarters on each, and then use the master to up or down your volume.

    Same for the mid-his, left to ch 1/A right to ch2/b on the smaller amp.

    If the 2way button is pressed, then there should be a set of writing (either black for 2way and white for 3way or the other way round) telling you what knobs are for which setting.

    Again, I tend to go for three quarters on the master and three quarters on the Mid-hi gain, using the master gain for overall control. Berry’s usually have mute buttons, so muting three and playing with one at a time should get you to learn/hear how varying the Xover point and gains will sound.

    Have a play, let me know how you get on mate.

    Don’t worry about delay, unless you are using additional mid-his “further down the hall”. ie if all your rig is at the front, you won’t need to use the delays or owt.

    Hope this helps:bounce_fl

    hey, the delay function is used for horn loaded subs(iirc) to delay the mid his so the sound comes out of them at the same time as the subs(because of the long horn path)

    i think the db is to do with the crossover attentuation level (standard on the behringers is 24db per octave) so for ever octave lower than the crossover frequency you selected it is 24db quieter.

    last and most importanly the hz, this is the crossover frequency. you should have one for subs(a subsonic filter;a switch you should have this on) another for the top end freq of the subs(usually around 150-200hz). (thats all you need to set for a 2way set up) if you were to go 3 way theres another knob which is basically a tweeter ouput crossover.

    so as you go along the front of the beringer from left to right you would:
    1.on the back there are 2 switches(push the one on the left so its down and the one on the right should be up) this puts it into stereo 2way mode.
    2.set the input gain at 0db(for now) the lowcut switch(25hz and below)
    4.set the sub to mid x freq(depends on your subs but try 150hz for now)
    5.set delay to 0
    6.set the output gains (next 2 knobs) you have 2 buttons(sub mute and phase reverse) leave phase alone for now.
    8.if you have constant directivity tweeters then wack the cd horn button on.
    9. set up limiters(if needed)(cant help you here just set it to where your amps wont clip!

    now plugging stuff in from the back(left to right)
    1.power(obviously lol)
    2.plug your mids(left channel)
    3.skip this xlr
    4.bass (left)
    5.(other side now)mids (right)
    6.skip this one

    thats it play it loud and have a play with the sub crossover freq from 100hx to 200hz, see wat sounds best!

    ta for that, got abit complicated with sniperwolfs bit.

    how do you turn it on? cant get the right leads? :you_crazy needs phono 2 male xlr but theres only xlr 1 input?

    There is actually two inputs.

    I’ve made this for you it explains the inputs and outputs you want to use( click to make it big)

    If you have trouble with the setting of the x-over settings on the front then I can make one for the front as well.

    elretardo87 wrote:
    There is actually two inputs.

    I’ve made this for you it explains the inputs and outputs you want to use( click to make it big)
    If you have trouble with the setting of the x-over settings on the front then I can make one for the front as well.

    which one is which? i run on red n white/black and i prob get them the wrong way round when i plug into amps.

    nice one tof that it puts thigs into english not big unusual words that i dont understand.

    Red is usually right so white/black = left.

    elretardo87 wrote:
    Red is usually right so white/black = left.

    right now all being well it should work :laugh_at:

    elretardo87 wrote:
    There is actually two inputs.

    I’ve made this for you it explains the inputs and outputs you want to use( click to make it big)
    If you have trouble with the setting of the x-over settings on the front then I can make one for the front as well.

    any chance of a front one mate 😉 going to have a propper mess about this week as i’ve got a new amp for my new bins comin. this modified rig is gona sound fuckin sweet raaa

    gona take alot of brain work n trial n error though….

    Will try tomorro wif you PM and remind me.

    Just tell us ths speakers and amps you are using and I’ll get it sorted for you.

    If you’re buying the speakers, don’t forget to take out any passive crossover in the bass cabinets, or you’re wasting your time having the active box (you’ll need the passives in the mid/highs to stop it blowing the tweeters).

    The dB level gain for each frequency is an individual gain adjuster for each frequency band (so you can tune the rig for your venue more easily). Nothing to do with crossover attenuation – the crossovers in the CX3400 are 4th order L-R’s, so it’s 24dB per octave slope, and is fixed.

    There is also a switch at the rear you need to be aware of, which multiply’s the xover frequency you select by 10 (meaning you need to be reading the outer white background frequency points). It’s quite easy to turn it on by accident, and then spend hours trying to figuere out why nothing sounds like it’s supposed to….

    The hard limiter is useful too (means you can do away with any compressor that you have, as the limiter does the same protection job and is easier to use). I usually have mine set to around +6dB, as it gives a bit of leeway for accidental red lining, but will keep everything protected if a muppet gets on the decks. Don’t set it too low though, as it’s a hard knee brick wall limit, and can do more damage than it prevents if it’s constantly on.

    CX 3400’s are good crossovers though (we use two in 4-way mono). You’ll figure it out pretty quickly, just use your ears when you make any changes…:love:

    elretardo87;218740 wrote:
    Will try tomorro wif you PM and remind me.

    Just tell us ths speakers and amps you are using and I’ll get it sorted for you.

    2x twin 15 in w bins each loaded with 2x emminence beta 15 @ 350 w @ 8oh
    2x w bins loaded with fane collosus xb 600w @ 8oh
    2x emminence loaded mids with beta 350s @ 8oh & kapa 12in 100w @ 8oh
    2x ev horn loaded tops (duno to much bout em but there fuckin a1)

    amps are
    2x t amp 2.4 kw and 1x cmark 2200 for the tops….






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology cross overs (again)