Forums › Drugs › Amphetamines › Crystal Meth – Methamphetamine
:laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at: Man that made me laugh! 😉
Seriously though if you try the meth be careful fella. :love:
Seriously though if you try the meth be careful fella. :love:
yeah have you seen that before and after where the guy turns into mr bean?
He’s my hero.
Patrick moore was a meth addict? who’d of thought it:weee:
so ive tried meth a few times since ive been out here and thought it was quite a good buzz tbh… :crazy_dru:you_crazy obviously its got a pretty bad rep and im just wondering if this bad rep is justified or if its all scare stories, same as you used to get for E and any other relativly new drug…
so is it that bad for you and is it that addictive? or is it pretty much the same as taking speed… which you’ve still gotta be carefull with, but so long as you dont cain all the time isnt really that bad for you… sort of..
and if meth is that bad as so addictive etc…
is yaba better as you eat it so its gotta be less addictive and also is yaba just like speed with same problems associated, ive read on erowid and wiki etc, but wondering if anyone has 1st hand experience as quite a few right ups a reports dont paint a very good picture calling it nazi speed etc, but tbh if yaba is just like strong speed then im all in! 😉
meth stories are just scare stories!! i’ve never taken it but all it is is more addictive speed…..
@p0ly 375642 wrote:
meth stories are just scare stories!! i’ve never taken it but all it is is more addictive speed…..
thats what i thought, but its the stories of the bugs crawling under your skin and depression and hallucinating when coming off it that put me off it tbh… guy at work is a proper meth head…
1st few times i had it seemed alright tho when smoked, think maybe eating it or snorting it is probably best tho as its gotta be more addictive if you smoke it and wanna avoid getting addicted suprisingly…
i think just cos it’s very fun and cheap people abuse it and get addicted. if coke was cheaper and purer/more avaliable it wouldn’t be seen as such a cool drug……
its not cheap! about the same price as coke in bangkok about £50 not even sure thats for a whole gram. in bali it was about £100 for a gram… madness. you dont need to smoke a lot of it tho… me and three people smoked 800,000rp’s worth (about half a g) and i was fucked for a good 24hrs…
its not the drug to get if your with a lady tho… not at all… 🙁
@p0ly 375653 wrote:
if coke was cheaper and purer/more avaliable it wouldn’t be seen as such a cool drug……
gotta disagree with that! if coke was cheaper, stronger, better quality and more available id see it as a very cool drug! paying loads of money for total shit is one of the main reasons i stopped doing it ages ago, that and its a total waste of money and time! still im on holiday at the minute, definatly gonna allow myself a few indisgressions!:wink:
that’s cos u wanna get high off it insufflated. true coke fiends don’t care too bad about price. IV AND CRACK!!
Forums › Drugs › Amphetamines › Crystal Meth – Methamphetamine