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Demonoid shut down by Ukrainian authoritys

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  • Sucks man, I wondered why it had not come back online, it was never a DDOS atack so that kid taking the blame was full of shit

    Ukrainian authorities have taken down, one of the world’s largest torrent file-sharing sites.Investigators from the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs raided the data centre that was hosting the website’s servers.
    Torrents allow users to download music, video and other internet content by downloading small bits of files from others’ computers at the same time.
    The shutdown is the latest news in a campaign against file-sharing sites.
    It follows the US’s closure of Megaupload, and several European ISPs (internet service providers) being ordered to block access to The Pirate Bay.
    Demonoid was listed alongside both of these sites in The Notorious Markets List – a document drawn up by the US government at the end of last year highlighting services that “merit further investigation for possible intellectual property rights infringements”.
    It noted that Demonoid “recently ranked among the top 600 websites in global traffic and the top 300 in US traffic”.
    Back online?Users first became aware of the action on 26 July, when attempts to access Demonoid’s site yielded a “server busy” message.
    The Torrentfreak news site reported that Ukraine’s Division of Economic Crimes acted after receiving a request from the international police organisation Interpol.
    It said the local authorities then contacted Demonoid’s ISP, Colocall, which decided to pull its service, and allowed investigators to copy data off its servers.
    “Demonoid is known for its links to relatively rare content which may be harder to come by now,” Torrentfreak’s editor Ernesto Van Der Sar told the BBC.
    “However, it’s not going to stop the majority of people from sharing files as the most popular items are available though hundreds of other BitTorrent sites.”
    The action follows the arrest of one of Demonoid’s administrators in Mexico last October. But despite the setbacks Mr Van Der Sar suggested it was too soon to consign the site to history.
    “In 2006 The Pirate Bay came back online three days after it was raided, and in the years that followed it grew out to become the largest BitTorrent site,” he said.
    The BPI, which represents the UK music industry, and the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) – which have both campaigned against online copyright infringement – declined to comment when approached by the BBC.

    OH wait BBC news have got things wrong AGAIN. (why do I even use them for news regarding such topics I do not know) But the DDOS attack did happen and the admin were in the process of putting things back together when they were raided.

    perhaps the kiddie might have got busted for DDOSing someone else and to get off the charge told the feds in some country something they could use to bust demonoid? a lot of people nowadays have little solidarity even if they break the law themselves.

    Although Ukraine is not yet in the EU, their feds are not doing anything particularly untoward as far as law enforcement worldwide would do. I think the wider reason is that these countries because of allowing more free speech than Soviet times, are now seeing a music industry take off, but if youths across Europe won’t even pay the relatively small costs for legit content nowadays even that miniscule industry (compared to 20 years ago) cannot be supported.

    A setup of this nature would be as silly as metpol letting a 15 year old boy spray “tief” on the windows of a suspected burglar’s house before the cops busted them anyway…then again knowing metpol they probably would. another angle could be someone from demonoid made a serious threat to the kid or their family and he went to feds, and that would also be enough to justify this sort of raid..

    I’m not entirely unsympathetic to the ethos behind this “free media for all” and admit I initially downloaded stolen content for music until I realised how cheap it was even compared to collecting vinyl records in the 90s, but the reality is that many parts of europe don’t permit the live performances what would sustain more of a music scene, and the pirates have already won their battle. now they actually are making it harder for genuine creativity to come through whilst the big companies due to their size and power will still hold on to the last gasp, then force everyone back to the day job. I’ve experienced this first hand.

    12 years ago I used to get paid to put together broadcast studios, the dot com era helped wipe out that job and also other opportunities I may have had to move into production (as the old boys warned me it would). I’m lucky enough today to have a day job with just about enough free time I can now do this as a hobby, but not everyone is and its not always easy to come to the terms that about 90% of my dreams and those of future generations are virtually dead because of this change in society, and worse still, the day jobs aren’t even there for the younger folk to fund their studios and productions when the music scene no longer can.

    Yeah man I know what you mean. Although now that you have turned your back on us free file junkies I must no challenge you to a duel. I’ll start. “Ahem……. how is it stealing when nothing is stolen is is simply copied” LOL

    I’m, just kidding I know that its essentially wrong and no amount of arguing the fact is gonna make it right. People just wont bother making these products if no one is actually gonna by them. I know it kinda sucks with things like music because I firmly believe that music should be free really. Well I would never charge anyone o listen to my music (not that they would probably want to) But then again if someone dangeled i large sum of money infront of me for it I may reconsider it for a minute but my morals stil stand by music being free. Also when you have things like in that episode of south park where they are shown all the rock and pop stars who are all sad cos they can’t afford they hot tubs in there learjets and stuff cos of people filesharing. When they already have tons of money and they are complaining over not have tons more. I deffo don’t agree with that.

    Anyway back to the point. Yeah man it sucks that its gone and by the sounds of things it aint gonna be back either.

    there are a few decent folk in the music biz and even wider media. Armin Van Buuren comes across as one of them, although he seems to own half the trance labels of NL he actively goes out searching for up and coming trance artists – I think thats how Ørjan Nilsen got signed up and there was another producer on one of Armin’s ASOT shows he had a phone in with (this was all in Dutch so I am not yet 100% sure of the chaps name but will find it out). A lot of up and coming British acts are signed to his labels. Also even a 320K MP3 sounds a bit rough compared to a proper WAV file to anyone with half decent kit and ears.

    I’ve never heard him complain about filesharing in either English or Dutch though – I think he accepts he made his money during the good days….

    A lot of artists do share some free tracks especially on EDM scenes but a wider problem is though live performances (either as a DJ / producer at a rave or conevetional gigs for other genres) offset the losses, if you live in a zero tolerance area you are fucked. There is loads of music talent in Suffolk and Essex but you simply don’t get to hear it and a lot of folk are becoming disillusioned and giving up music completely after high school or uni as they can’t afford to stay in the business.

    I think the south park lot have said they don’t mind some filesharing especially as it means their content could get to countries where it otherwise is censored (there’s probably bits of the USA where it is censored!)

    yeah man, sed to have all their episodes available on the site for free, but has recently changed to £1 a day for episode streaming. I dunno what happened there man but I guess paramount must have got the arse with them or something

    @thelog 490848 wrote:

    yeah man, sed to have all their episodes available on the site for free, but has recently changed to £1 a day for episode streaming. I dunno what happened there man but I guess paramount must have got the arse with them or something

    one ironic problem is as smaller countries abandon censorship and their local telly permits the shows, they can’t then afford to give them away for the local telly company to re-transmit as its often nationalised or run by powerful businesses or the communications ministries of these nations can be bribed to simply ignore copyright complaints.

    also, telecoms companies like ATT, BT, VM, Cable & Wireless charge for bandwidth (hence download caps and traffic shaping and other unpleasant things for those what think its “unlimited”)

    its a big dilemma for liberal minded content producers, incidentally for those who use torrent sites without adblock there are loads of ads for ISPs on them including mainstream ones so they are sanctioning the theft. There was some Jewish female movie producer from NY who made a film about lesbians (I forget the exact names and there are loads of such films) mentioning this on some news sites and how she was understandably a bit cross about it as the same ISPs are saying “theft is bad” and censoring some sites yet also supporting the theft.

    This is unfortunately the way of a lot of free market thinking (its no conspiracy, its openly how this mindset works), they are actively seeking to devalue creativity yet keep value in things like building computer networks, i.e pushing us all back to the day job if we are lucky enough to get one and/or prepared to abandon our dreams. I’m lucky that I get now almost double the salary of my job in the broadcast industry for setting up networks and phone systems, but I know which jobs seemed like more fun most of the time….

    Anonymous are about to launch a massive attack against key Ukrain sites in retaliation according to their youtube page.

    Yeah man I saw, I also saw load of bikkering in the comments about how anon never achieve anything. LoL

    Anon reckon they mean business. LOL I reckon they should call it operation seimenoid XD

    Members of the Anonymous hacktivist community have attacked websites belonging to the Ukrainian authorities after Demonoid was forced offline.The BitTorrent link tracker’s internet service provider (ISP) took it offline after being contacted by law enforcement officers.
    The US had previously alleged Demonoid was one of the most visited sites used to share pirated content.
    Many of its visitors are now concerned their activities may be exposed.
    Demonoid’s site became unavailable last week, but news of the authorities’ involvement only emerged after an article in the local newspaper Kommersant on Monday.
    It reported that investigators had visited Colocall’s offices, copied data from its servers and sealed off some of its equipment.
    Colocall confirmed it had received “several requests” from the authorities, but told the BBC “the decision to terminate the contract with Demonoid has been made without participation of the Ministry”.
    It would not be drawn on the reason for the action beyond saying there had been a “combination of factors” and “too many issues for a single customer”.
    It has also emerged that officers at Ukraine’s Division of Economic Crimes only acted after being contacted by Interpol.
    The international police organisation told the BBC it had passed on a request from the Mexican authorities who had been carrying out their own criminal investigation.
    A spokeswoman added that Interpol itself had no further involvement at this stage.
    DDoS attacksMembers of Anonymous subsequently announced plans to attack “those responsible for the interruption” on AnonPR – a website designed to publicise the group’s campaigns.
    An associated YouTube video announced “operation Demonoid engaged”.
    Twitter messages from accounts associated with the movement reported a series of DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks followed, in an attempt to overwhelm sites’ servers with traffic.
    The Kyiv Post confirmed that webpages belonging to the Ukrainian Anti-Piracy Association, the Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights, and the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine all became unavailable for a time.
    “Such attacks are an annoyance more than anything else – the sites haven’t been hacked as such,” said Alan Woodward, from the University of Surrey’s department of computing.
    “DDoS attacks are fairly easy to do and seem to be Anonymous’ preferred tactic. There is no damage to the data held by the organisations affected per se, although there is a loss of service and a potential effect to their reputation.”
    _62149842_demon.jpgA video posted to YouTube publicised Anonymous’s planned attack
    Identifying usersNews site Torrentfreak said dozens of its visitors had contacted it with concerns that their use of Demonoid might now become exposed, revealing they had uploaded and downloaded copyrighted files.
    But the site’s editor played down the threat.
    “I think it is highly unlikely they will pursue more than a handful of users if any at all,” Ernesto van der Sar told the BBC.
    “Doing so would be very work intensive – some people have used their email addresses, but the authorities would still have to file complaints, check the evidence is in order and then chase people in court.
    “In previous instances – such as the case against UK-based BitTorrent tracker Oink – we have seen that users who uploaded the most high profile content were targeted, but I can’t see them pursuing hundreds of thousands of users.”

    BBC News – Demonoid takedown prompts attacks by Anonymous

    Fuck all this ddose shit. Let’s invade the fuckers.

    I’m having to use The Pirate Bay now, I fucking HATE TPB!

    although in reality they have only sent DDOS to some obscure copyright protection and national broadcasting sites of Ukraine and (perhaps sensibly) left alone harder targets like the local or national police, I’m old enough to remember the Soviet Union and a great deal of their ICT experience came from Ukraine, the folk there (especially those who run the government type websites) are not idiots. They made some fucking good computers back in the day to be fair, its just that us westerners never got to see them for secrecy reasons and our media said they had to queue up for days for one potato and didn’t have any computers.

    in reality, they had fuckloads of potatoes, computers and enough nuclear bombs to make Europe into a radioactive ashtray. they still have all those things in that part of the world (UA gave back the nukes to RU but I’m suspicious about whose side they would be on if/when things start going to shit again..)

    Always a bit wary about these activists helping Eastern Countries” type of “protests” whether they are online or in real life. normally ends up with Western Europeans feeling smug and the locals/natives getting fucked sideways by their government even more once the Western activists have gone on to the “next big trendy thing”.

    Saw this other political stunt on the news, some Swedes had been dropping teddy bears into Belarus airspace because Belarus wasn’t free and allowed in the EU or somethign similarly bizzare. Anyway the Swedes got to go on telly and the Belarusian activists were hauled away by the KGB (its still called that over there) and no one has seen much of them (they are most certainly getting 7 bells of shit kicked out of them in some Soviet era detention centre).

    Ukraine is filled with hackers just like most of the former states of the soviet republic. I don’t know why but for some reason they have tons of hackers.

    @thelog 491008 wrote:

    Ukraine is filled with hackers just like most of the former states of the soviet republic. I don’t know why but for some reason they have tons of hackers.

    because they made loads of decent computers, and taught everyone from high school age how to program them properly, and when the internet got released unlike use they kept teaching their kids and didn’t say “you don’t have to learn how to properly program computers any more as you can just be a “dot com entrpreneur / web designer” and “leave all the really nerdy work to foreigners” 😉






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Demonoid shut down by Ukrainian authoritys